Saturday, September 8, 2012

Two Important Updates for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Tomorrow is my birthday, and the
birthday wishes have come flooding
in -- so let me say THANK YOU to
everyone who has given a b'day
shout out.

I'll be taking my annual birthday
workout tomorrow, so wish me luck!

In other Dino News, I wanted to update
you on several things.

First, my new book, Dinosaur Dumbbell
Training is looking great. It took
forever for my layout and design folks
to get it formatted because it has so
many photos. But it should be finished
and off to the printer on Monday, and
that means we should be mailing them out
in just a few more weeks.

I had hoped to get them out the door by
the end of August, and since we are
running late I am going to include a
special second bonus for everyone who
has ordered the little monster (or who
places an order before we ship the

BTW, it's weighing in at 8 1/2 by 11,
200 pages, a full color cover, over 100
different exercises, 50 workouts, and,
as noted, a ton of photos. I think
you're really going to like it.

Second, I'm starting to put together
the first issue of the quarterly Dinosaur
Files newsletter, and I'm always looking
for photos and articles -- so if you'd
like to submit something, send me an email
and let me know what you'd like to cover.

We're going to be taking classified ads,
as well, so if you'd like to purchase an
ad to sell or swap equipment, old books
or courses, or whatever, send me an email.

BTW, if you own a Dino-style gym or sell
training equipment that Dinos would like to
use, this is a great opportunity to get
your message out there to a bunch of very
serious, very committed, very hard-training
Dinos -- and it won't take many clams to
do it.

And now -- back to work. I have tons to do
for the Dino Nation.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to reserve your copy of Dinosaur
Dumbbell Training during our big pre-publication

P.S. 2. My other books, courses and DVD's are
right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "The best way to
celebrate anything is with a hard workout."
-- Brooks Kubik