Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Man in 20,000 Can Press this Much -- Can You?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

First of all -- Trudi says THANK YOU to
everyone who sent her b'day wishes by
Facebook or email. She rec'd a ton of
them from the Dino Nation, and it truly
brightened her day.

Second -- we rec'd a ton of emails from
Dinos about yesterday's post re poundage
goals for the military press.

Several of them came from older Dinos.

Frank Tirelli wrote: "These type of
realistic goals are critical for us older
guys. Especially those who lifted at a
relatively high level when we were

I agree with Frank ten thousand percent. 
And if you're an older Dino, I hope you
take his message to heart.

Ira Reid also commented about reasonable
goals for an older lifter -- and gave a
very interesting and insightful look at
his own lifting at age 62 compared to his
lifting at age 50.

Ira wrote:


Bernard H.B. Lange, the legendary strongman-
priest of Notre Dame, had a sign in his gym
that read "One man in twenty thousand can
press his own weight -- Are you a man?"

When I was 50 years old, that challenge
inspired me to press 220 pounds for a single
rep at a bodyweight of 190 pounds.

Now, at age 62, I weigh 163 (for health
reasons) and am working to get up to 155
for a single at a soon to be bodyweight
of 155.

I'm doing 135 for triples now, and realize
it is tough to add weight to the bar while
dropping bodyweight, but expect to reach
both goals by Spring.



Okay, Dinos -- did you catch that?

At age 50, Ira military presses 220 pounds at
a bodyweight of 190 pounds. That exceeds the
gold medal standard for the military press
in the Heavyweight class by 15 pounds.

It's a GREAT lift -- and as Notre Dame's
Father Lange noted, it makes him one in
20,000 -- at age 50!

Today, 12 years later, Ira weighs 163 and
is doing triples with 135 in the press --
and shooting to hit a bodyweight press
of 155 at 155 pounds.

Hitting bodyweight at 155 pounds is a
silver medal lift under Hoffman's formula.
At 148 pounds, the silver medal standard
is 145 pounds, and at 165 pounds the silver
medal standard is 165 -- so I think hitting
bodyweight at 155 is a silver medal lift.

And that's pretty darn good at age 62.

Now, let's be realistic. Ira is NOT going
to military press 220 pounds again. But
that doesn't stop him from training --
and it doesn't stop him from setting
challenging goals for himself -- and it
doesn't stop him from outlifting 99.99
percent of the young guys.

Nor does it stop him from building back
up to one man in 20,000 status.

Food for thought for older Dinos.

Food for thought for younger Dinos, too.
If Ira could military press 30 pounds
over his own bodyweight at age 50,
and you're younger than that, there's
no reason in the world why YOU can't
hit bodyweight in the press -- and make
yourself the one man out of 20,000
who can do it!

As always, thanks for reading, and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the number one training guide
for older lifters -- meaning everyone in
the age 35 and up group:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here -- including the Dinosaur
Training Military Press Course and my
new book, Dinosaur Dumbbell Training:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "If one man
out of 20,000 can press his own bodyweight,
your job is to be that man!" -- Brooks Kubik