Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Training Wisdom from the Trenches!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We rec'd a ton of great feedback in
response to yesterday's post on
recovery and recuperation.

If you missed it, let me give you the
short version.

Paul Murray sent me an email in which
he noted that he trains 2x per week,
and on the day he trains and for a day
or two afterwards he sleeps like a baby.
Then he doesn't sleep as well. Then he
trains again, and sleeps fine for a few

Paul theorized that he slept soundly
when he body needed plenty of deep sleep
to recover from his training -- and once
he had recovered, he didn't need as much
sleep, and consequently, had one of those
tossing and turning restless nights where
you try to count sheep (or dinosaurs) and
you still can't fall asleep.

Many of you wrote in to say that you had
experienced the very same thing.

Several readers noted that they have
trouble sleeping if they overtrain,
which is understandable -- and several
said they were going to monitor their
sleep carefully and see if their
experience matched Paul's.

So it was good information -- and it's
got a lot of Dinos taking notes and
thinking about recovery and (hopefully)
adding another weapon to their arsenal
of training tips.

This is a classic example of training
information "from the trenches." The
truly important ideas in strength
training and muscle-building don't
come from laboratories, and they
don't come from men in lab coats or
from research studies.

They come from ordinary people who
train hard and heavy, and who think
about their training -- and who then
share their observations with others.

The old-school magazines -- Bob Hoffman's
Strength and Health and Peary Rader's
Iron Man -- served an important function
as clearing houses for that sort of
information. Each issue brought you
plenty of training ideas from cellar
dwellers and garage gorillas around
the world -- and it was solid gold for
anyone interested in real world, no
nonsense strength training.

That's how the word spread about breathing
squats -- power racks -- heavy partials --
isometrics -- rest pause training -- and
most of the truly effective old-school
training techniques. Most of them started
life as ideas "from the trenches."
It's a tradition that I've continued in
The Dinosaur Files newsletter -- and it's
a tradition I'm going to continue for a
long, long time.

I've published two years of a 20-page per
issue, hard copy, monthly Dinosur Files
newsletter featuring a mix of my own
articles and articles from your fellow
Dinos. (Back issues are still available,
and they have tons of great workouts,
great articles and great training ideas.)

I'm now switching to a quarterly format for
The Dinosaur Files. Each issue will be 36
pages. I'll print them with a heavy card
cover, just like my Dinosaur Training
courses, and I'll fill each issue with
tons of great articles.

I'm working on the Fall 2012 issue -- and
it's getting close to being finished. When
it's ready, I'll put up a special order
page and let you take it from there.

In the meantime, I can always use good,
high resolution photos of Dinos in action,
Dino equipment or Dino gyms -- and I can
always use a good article, so if you have
an idea for one, give me a holler.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Dinosaur Dumbbell Training arrives at
my door sometime tomorrow -- a huge shipment
of books -- and as soon as we get them we'll
start firing them out the door to everyone
who placed an order. If you have not yet
reserved your copy, do it now:

P.S. 2. Go here to order back issues of the
Dinosaur Files newsletter:

Year one (12 back issues):

Year Two (12 back issues):

NOTE: Remember, these are back issues, NOT a new
subscription for the quarterly Dino Files. I'll
put up a separate page for the quarterly Dino Files
once the Fall issue is ready to go.

P.S. 3. My other books and courses (and DVD's)
are right here:

P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "The best training
ideas come from people who actually train."
-- Brooks Kubik