Thursday, June 6, 2013

10 Things That Don't Work!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

You always like Top 10 Lists from
Dino Headquarters, so here's a
quick one:


10. Trying to build big arms by
doing nothing but arm work.

10. Not even if you do Hawaiian
curls, Himalayan curls or Hungarian

9. The ever-popular "All Upper
Body All the Time and No Squats

9a. AKA, "Look, I'm a stork!"

8. Anything you see one an info-

7. This month's version of the
"Pump til You Drop Workout for
Massive Muscles in Four Weeks."

7a. Last month's version of ditto.

7b. The month before that.

7c. Next month's version.

6. The "No Effort" Workout.

5. The ever-popular geekster workout
where you start by hanging your gym
towel in the power rack and then do
your entire workout without ever using
the power rack.

4. Any workout where you talk more than
you train.

4a. The "Take Your Cell Phone to the
Gym Workout."

3. Squats on a stability ball.

3a. Squat or split snatches on a
stability ball.

3b. Rollerskating and downhill skiing on
a stability ball.

2. Bunny training, aka lots and lots of
silly isolation exercises with weights
my maiden aunt Matilda could lift --
and she's 87!

And the number 1 thing that doesn't work:

1. Trying to catch a fish by thinking
about it.

1a. Or by wishing you could catch one.

1b. Or by arguing about the best way to
catch one.

Tomorrow, we'll cover the top 10 things
that WORK! See you then!

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you're looking for things that work,
try these exciting courses from Dinosaur

a. The John Grimek Training Course

b. The Doug Hepburn Training Course

c. The Dinosaur Training Military Press and
Shoulder Power Course

e. The Dinosaur Arm Training Course

2. Dinosaur Training and my other books work
pretty well, too -- and you can find them right

3. Thought for the Day: "You can't catch a fish
without fishing." -- Brooks Kubik