Tuesday, July 30, 2013

90 Minutes of SuperHuman Dinosaur Training!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

So I'm sitting there having lunch
at my desk yesterday, and Carl Lanore

It was 12:15.

I was scheduled to do an interview with
Carl on SuperHuman Radio at 1:00. Carl
does two back-to-back hours of live
interviews -- the first from 12:00 to
1:00 and the second from 1:00 to 2:00.

But things were going to be a little
bit different this time . . .

"My first guest can only stay until
12:30," he said. "Can you go on half
an hour early?"

"Sure," I said.

So I wolfed down the rest of the steak
salad and got ready for what turned out
to be a really fun 90 minute interview.

It was part three in a four-part series
on how to build strength and muscle mass
the Dino way. It's been a great series,
and yesterday, with 90 minutes, we were
able to cover some extra topics,
including questions from listeners.

We covered strength and muscle building
for older trainees, for teenagers, and
women -- and I covered one of the best
mass building programs there is
(including exercises, sets, and
reps) -- and we finished with some
important tips about progression

If you caught it live, I hope you
enjoyed the show. If you missed it,
you can  download it and listen to
it any time. Ditto with parts one and
two of the series if you happened to
miss them.

And be listening for part 4 in the
series. We'll cover diet and nutrition
for strength and muscle gains. Important
stuff for everyone, so I hope we set
a new record for live listeners and
downloads. We'll run it sometime next
week -- and I'll keep you posted so
you can join us.

You can find Carl Lanore's SuperHuman
Radio at the below link:


So that was 90 minutes of Superhuman
Dino Training. Later in the day, from
7:00 until 8:00, I gave it another 60
minutes of Dinosaur Training out in
the garage. Split style snatches,
snatch grip high pulls and front
squats. That was pretty good, too.
Set a couple of age 56 PR's, worked
up a good sweat, and earned my dinner.

More to follow tomorrow. As always,
thanks for reading, and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. 1. Chalk and Sweat has some terrific
strength and mass building workouts -- and
Gray Hair and Black Iron is mandatory reading
for older strength trainers:



P.S. 2. My other books and courses -- and my
Dinosaur Training DVD's -- are right here:


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You spell
success H-A-R-D W-O-R-K." -- Brooks Kubik