Thursday, September 12, 2013

Never Is a Long Time!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Several readers took issue with my
recent email on slow cooking and with
other emails urging you to aim for
slow but steady progress.

"It will take too long!" they say.

So they keep on doing what they're
doing (that doesn't work for them
and never has) or they jump onto
the interwebs and zoom around and
look for the latest and greatest
ultra-madness, triple insanity mega-
muscle molecular massiveness muscle
 blaster workout -- and they try that
for awhile, and that doesn't work
very well, either -- and then they
jump back onto the interwebs and
look for something even more awesome
to try.

And on and on it goes, and they spin
their wheels in the sands of time,
and someday they look back and realize
they never got anywhere.

So if you're thinking "Slow but steady
takes too long!" consider this.

"Longer is one thing. Never is something
entirely different. And longer always
beats never."

If that sounds harsh, I'm sorry -- but
I've been doing this a long, long time,
and I've gotten tons of feedback from
readers over the years, and I can tell
you this -- and it's based on feedback
from thousands of trainees:

1. Dino-style abbreviated training works.

2. Slow ans steady progression works.

3. You cannot FORCE progress. You have
to coax it.

4. If you try to force progress, you do
the crash and burn thing.

5. Crash and burn doesn't work very well.

6. You build real progress rep by rep and
pound by pound.

7. Plan to give your training the time you
need to make progress. It's not a 30 day

8. Training is a lifetime endeavor, so plan
for a lifetime of productive, effective
and enjoyable training.

9. Don't look at other guys and what they're
doing. Focus on YOU.

10. If in doubt, simplify.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more detail on sensible training and
productive workouts, grab Chalk and Sweat:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You're not
running a race. You're making slow but
steady progress to achieve a challenging
and demanding goal." -- Brooks Kubik