Friday, September 12, 2014

How to Avoid Dings and Dents (Part 2)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One quick note, and then we'll talk training.

We're going to be putting up the sales page
for my new book on diet and nutrition on
Mon 9-15.

That will be day one of the pre-publication
special -- and I'm hoping that all of you
step up and take action. This little monster
is something very special -- and I'm very
happy at how it has turned out. It has
TONS of great info. I think you're really
going to like it -- and find it to be a very
valuable resource on sane, sensible diet
and nutrition for lifelong strength and

Be looking for the email announcement for
day one of the pre-publication special --
on Monday!

On the training front -- yesterday we talked
about dings and dents.

Let's continue that discussion.

The single most common cause of dings and
dents in older trainees is overtraining.

Doing too much.

Training too often.

Going too heavy.

Doing insane stuff -- rather than keeping it
basic, simple, productive and effective.

Thinking you can do it by forcing yourself
to blast your way through a 20-megaton

At age 57, my best results come when I train
3x per week, using two different workouts. I
alternate between the two workouts.

Each workout lasts about one hour, sometimes
a little less, and sometimes a little longer.

Each workout begins with 10 - 15 minutes of
stretching and loosening up -- followed by 45
to 60 minutes of squatting, pulling and pushing.
Sometimes I do only one exercise -- squat style
snatches or squat style clean and jerks -- and
other days I include pulls, front squats or back

I do multiple sets of low reps. On the snatches
and the clean and jerk, I usually do singles.
I start light and work up to my top weight for
the day.

I train heavy, but I train within my limits and I
don't go for limit attempts very often.

I focus on technique, perfect form, and precise
lifting.  At 57, that's more important than ever.
One of my goals is to do good, smooth, perfect
form lifting into my 60's and then into my 70's.
That will require lots of drilling, lots of work on
flexibility and mobility, and plenty of smart
training with minimal dings and dents.

I train with deep focus and total concentration.
That's critical at any age. It gets more critical
with every passing year.

And I have lots and lots of fun when I train.
That's also very important at any age. In fact,
it might actually be the most important thing.

The bottom line is -- I do what I need to do to
work toward my training goals without getting
smacked in the face by dings and dents.

My training is not fancy, and it's not any sort
of insane, over the top stuff. But it works. And
that's what counts.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron is mandatory reading
for older trainees:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Keep it simple, but
keep on doing it." -- Brooks Kubik