Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to Build Herculean Strength and Muscle Mass!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let me begin with a big THANK YOU to everyone
who has stepped up, taken action, and placed an
order for my new book, KNIFE, FORK MUSCLE
during our big pre-publication special.

If you missed the announcement, go here and
read all about it:

And remember, if you want me to autograph your
copy, pls include an autograph request and who
to sign if for (Jim or James, Mike or Michael, etc.).

If you already ordered but forgot to ask for an
autograph, just shoot me an email.

On the training front, let's talk about how to
build Herculean development.

42 years ago, Bradley J. Steiner wrote a great
little book with one of the best titles in the
history of the world:

"Powerlifting and the Development of Herculean

Nice title, huh?

In the book, Steiner focused on building four key

1. Legs

2. Back

3. Shoulder girdle

4. Chest

The theory was, if you built plenty of strength and
muscle mass in those four key areas, you'd end up
with plenty of strength and muscle mass from head
to toe.

And it's a valid theory. It works. By focusing on these
four critical areas, you build maximum strength and
muscle throughout the entire body.

And here's another tip. Or rather, three of them:

1. Power rack training

2. Rest-pause training

3. Heavy singles

Why do these help build Herculean super-strength?

Because they let you train with HEAVY WEIGHTS.

And make no mistake about it -- heavy weights are
what it takes to build Herculean super-strength.

That was true 42 years ago - and it's still true today.

And it will always be true.

Today, tomorrow, and forever.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day.

If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can learn more about rest pause training,
power rack training and heavy singles in STRENGTH,

P.S.2. Here's the link for KNIFE, FORK, MUSCLE:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You build strength, muscle
and power rep by rep, set by set, pound by pound and
workout by workout." -- Brooks Kubik