Monday, September 29, 2014

There's No Time to Waste!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

My kid brother turned 50 the other day.

That puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

Because when the kid brother reaches the half
century mark, you know there's no more time
to waste.

You need to get serious about things.

And that means getting serious about your

Older trainees can't waste time on things that
don't work.

When you're younger, it doesn't matter if you
do dumb stuff when you train. Follow the Mr.
Everything Super Workout and bomb, blast
and blitz three times a day every day of the

Do 20 sets of 20 reps in every type of curl
ever invented, and then invent a couple of
new ones to finish things off.

It won't work very well, but that's okay. You're
young. You've got time to make mistakes. You
can always figure it our later on and still make
good gains.

But when you're older, that changes.

It becomes much more important to get it right
the first time -- and to do it right the first time.

That means focusing on the big exercises. The
ones that deliver the most bang for the buck.
You have much more limited recovery ability
as an older trainee, so you need to put your
time and your effort into the exercises that
will make the most difference.

You also need to focus on perfect form in each
and every rep of every set you perform.

Performing every rep in perfect form means
that you place 100% of the effort on the exact
muscle groups you are trying to work. It makes
every rep count.

And, of course, you make every workout count.
And that's they key to successful training for
older Dinos. You don't waste time. You make
every rep count -- every set count -- and every
workout count.

After all, you still have to set a good example for
that kid brother.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to reserve your copy of my new book
on diet and nutrition for Dinos during our big pre-
publication special:

P.S. 2. Gray Hair and Black Iron is the number one
book for older trainees:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Training is fun, but it's
also serious. Make every workout count. Don't waste
time." -- Brooks Kubik