Thursday, October 30, 2014

Two Questions re: the New Quarterly Dinosaur Files

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I'm finishing up the first issue of the new quarterly
Dinosaur Files -- which is looking great -- and I'm
also working on the order page for the little monster.

It's going to be BIG -- the same size as my Dinosaur
Training courses -- e.g., the Doug Hepburn Training
Course, Dinosaur Arms, the Dinosaur Military Press
and Shoulder Power Course, and the John Grimek
Training Course. So it's about two or three times
as big as the monthly Dinosaur Files -- which
means that every issue is going to be quite a
treat for you.

Sort of like having Christmas four times a year.

In the meantime, I have two questions for you.

1. Photos -- Yes or No?

When I did a monthly Dinosaur Files from 1997 to
2002, we did not use photos, although we did have
a few line drawings, including some Bosco

Those were pretty popular. Joe Weider was one of
the original subscribers, and he called me one day
and talked about how much he enjoyed the Files,
and mentioned the Bosco art work and how it
brought back good memories -- which was funny,
given Harry's scathing comments during the
infamous Hoffman-Weider feud.

When we did a monthly Dinosaur Files in 2010
and 2011, we included photos.

Some readers liked photos -- others did not. They
preferred more written material. More training
articles, etc.

So question number one is -- do you want to
see photos in the new quarterly Dinosaur Files?
If you do, would you prefer photos of old-timers,
exercise photos (as in, "how to do it" photos), or
photos of your fellow Dinosaurs? Or all three?

Shoot me an email and let me know.

2. Classified Ads -- Yes or No?

Question number two relates to classified ads.

I'm thinking about doing a new special section for
classified ads featuring things that Dinos would
find interesting -- such as training equipment,
books, courses, collectables, etc. Or info about
Dino-style gyms, podcasts, or whatever the
Dinos might like.

Peary Rader used to run a special section for
classifieds in the old Iron Man, and it was
always great fun to read through it.  It
was even more fun than flipping through
the Sears catalog to make your wish list
for Christmas.

I'm looking at an issue of IronMan from when
I was a kid. Across from a page that features
lifting results (Ken Patera won the Oregon
State Powerlifting Championships in the SHW
class with a 465 bench, 700 squat and 585
DL for a 1750 total), you see the classifieds.

They included half a dozen ads for lists of old
books, courses and magazines -- all of which
I remember sending for. Interestingly, several
of the ads are from men who later purchased
books or courses from me!

Chester Teegarden had an ad for 200 kilo
Russian Weightlifting sets. I wish I had bought
one of those.

There were ads for protein supplements. I
actually ordered a few of them. (The Russian
Weightlifting sets would have been a better
buy. The supplements all tasted terrible, and
none of them helped me gain an ounce of

For a mere 134.5 clams, I could have grabbed
a 500 pound Jackson Barbell set. Wish I had
done that, too. Would have been one of the
best investments of my life.

Carl Miller offered a specially designed lifting
belt. That also would have been a good buy.
And it's funny, because I met Carl many years
later, and he has several of my books, and I
have several of his, and we correspond old-
school style -- by letter (ink on paper).

And here's a good one:

"STEVE REEVES, large unpublished pic, plus
routine and details of exactly how he trained."

The cost of that little gem?

One clam.

Wish I had ordered it. It might have been my
ticket to fame and fortune. Mr. America, the
movies, a Swiss chateau -- the works. Just
like Steve Reeves.

Or maybe not. There was only one Steve
Reeves. Oh, well. It still would have been
worth one clam.

Anyhow, the classifieds were fun, and it might
be good to bring them back.

And that's the second question.

Classifieds -- yes or no? Let me know what you

I'll sign off for now, and wait for your replies.

Remember, the Dinosaur Files is YOUR training
magazine, so your feedback is very important.
Let me hear from you.

In the meantime, and as always, thanks for
reading and have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. The pre-publication special for my new book, Knife,
Fork, Muscle, is winding down. To reserve a copy and
the special pre-publication bonuses, go here:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "A day without
reading is a wasted day. So is a day without
training -- unless it's a rest day." --  Brooks Kubik
