Friday, November 21, 2014

The Bob Hoffman - George Jowett Seal of Approval

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I did a podcast with Bill Kociaba of Kociaba
Fitness yesterday. It's the second one I've
done with Bill, and he's great to work with.
He's been training and following the Iron
Game for over 40 years, and he really
knows his stuff.

You can catch the first show here -- along
with some other good ones from people
you will know. Yesterday's show will go
up in a couple of weeks. I'll let you know
when it does.

My first interview with Bill Kociaba:

In any case, in yesterday's interview
we were talking about the new quarterly
Dinosaur Files, and I was telling Bill about
the special bonus for everyone who orders
issue no. 1 of the new quarterly Dinosaur

Bill almost fell out of his chair when he heard
about it. He thought it was pretty darn cool.
And so do I.

So I thought I should share the details with
everyone else.

When Bob Hoffman started Strength and
Health magazine back in 1932, he worked
with George F. Jowett, the world-famous
author of The Key to Might and Muscle,
and one of the best-loved Iron Game
writers of all time.

One of the things they did was to launch
the American Strength and Health
League -- which they did in the very
first issue, almost exactly 82 years

They said -- and I quote:

"The American Strength and Health League
is the finest organization under the sun for
people interested in any form of sport or
exercising, body building and strength. It
is a genuine organization created to help
you succeed. Prizes of all kinds are given
for development, improvement in body
building, in strength or for excellence or
perserverence in any sport."

The first members of the American Strength
and Health League included Bob Hoffman,
George F. Jowett, Henry "Milo" Steinborn,
Joe Lambert, Bill Lily, Harry Good, and
Bob Mitchell.

It cost one clam (a lot of wampum back
then) to enroll in the American Strength
and Health League -- but when you did,
you received a special blue and gold
certificate signed by Bob Hoffman and
George F. Jowett.

The certificate was "suitable for framing"
and "will show that you are a man among

So here's where it gets really good for
everyone who orders issue no. 1 of the
new quarterly Dinosaur Files.

I have one of those original certificates --
signed by Bob Hoffman and George F. Jowett.
It's made out to an oldtimer who's no longer
with us. It's not dated, but it's probably
about 80 years old.

We made an exact copy of the certificate
and then used the magic of Photoshop to
replace the oldtimer's name with a blank

We printed the certificates on some nice
looking, special paper that looks and feels
a bit like old parchment, but not as brittle.
Everyone who grabs a copy of issue no. 1
of the quarterly Dinosaur Files gets one of
the certificates -- with his or her name
handwritten by me -- which makes you
a full-fledged "life member of the American
Strength and Health League."

It's  a beautiful certificate, suitable for framing,
and it's a great piece of Iron Game history.

In fact, it's so good that I've done one for
myself. It's framed, on the wall, right where
I can look up and see it when I'm working
on Dino projects.

The first issue of the new quarterly Dinosaur
Files is being printed even as I type this email

We'll pick up the copies later today, and start
firing them out the door today, tomorrow and
Monday -- along with those nifty certificates!

Consider it an early Christmas present for

Go here to reserve your copy of the new
quarterly Dinosaur Files and your certificate
of membership in the American Strength
and Health League:

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you want to combine your Dinosaur Files
order with any other book, course, DVD or other
Dinosaur Training product, shoot me an email and
ask for shipping quote. We can usually save you
some clams by combining orders in one package:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses -- and DVD's,
shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies -- are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Follow the strength
and health lifestyle, train hard, eat smart,
and set a good example for others. "
-- Brooks Kubik
