Thursday, November 6, 2014

These Four Exercises Are Hard to Beat!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!


1. Knife, Fork, Muscle

Looking great, shipping soon, and I will
give you details as I get them more info
from my printer. As I mentioned yesterday,
I'm doing  a personal handwritten note to
everyone who placed an order -- and my
fingers are turning blue from so much

2. The Quarterly Dinosaur Files

Launching the order page for the little
monster as soon as my webmaster can
finish putting it up. Met with the layout
guy yesterday, and he is working to get
the first issue finalized. It has a TON of
great info, and you're really going to
like it. Size-wise, it will be just like my
Doug Hepburn, John Grimek, Dinosaur
Arms and Military Press courses, with
the same kind of heavy cover. So we've
moved from newsletter to magazine
or journal size.

We are shooting to have the first issue
printed and ready to mail by the middle
of November.

Important: we'll be offering the new
quarterly Dinosaur Files as a single
issue item rather than a subscription
item. We think it makes more sense
to do that for a quarterly publication.

Also -- the price for each issue will
include shipping and handling. The
cost will be different for US, Canadian
and overseas orders because of the
difference in postage -- but it's going
to be the lowest possible shipping
rate for everyone.

If you want to save on shipping charges
by combining an order for The Dinosaur
Files with any other book, course, DVD or
other item, shoot us an email and ask for
a shipping quote. We can usually save you
shipping charges by bundling things.

On the training front . . .

I received a ton of interesting emails in
response to my last two emails where I
talked about my favorite exercises over
the years and asked readers to share
their own favorites.

One of them came from long-time Dino
Rich Frisk. He wrote:

"Good morning, Brooks!

I just got home from work and saw your
newsletter about favorite exercises. I have
three that are probably the best. In no
special order:

1. Concentration curls -- they are usually
the first exercise I do when I get to the

2. Scott bench/Preacher bench curls --
these are really good for getting a peak
on the biceps. Occasionally I will superset
concentration curls and Scott bench curls
for 10 x 10 to get a good pump.

3. Pec deck work -- these will put a lot of
muscle mass on your chest.

Believe me, if you bust your butt, these
exercises work!

Sorry -- just messing with you!

My TRUE favorite exercises since I was in
10th grade (and I'm 57 now) are:

1. Push press

2. High pulls with hands slightly wider than
shoulder width

3. Front squats

4. Deadlifts

A coach I had in summer school taught me
these exercises. He was a powerlifter back
in the 70's.

Rich Frisk"

Rich -- Thanks for your email. You almost had me
with the concentration curls. I started to suspect
something when you added the Scott bench curls --
and when you mentioned the pec deck I knew
something was up! I've probably said more
unkind words about the pec dec than any other
piece of equipment out there -- aside from the
Smith machine, which I seriously dislike.

Your four TRUE favorites are hard to beat. I like
them all -- and they're definitely tops with many
Dinos. If you're going to have four favorites for
more than 40 years of training, those are good

To everyone else -- as always, thanks for reading
and have a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

1. If you've been sitting on the fence and waiting
to place your order for Knife, Fork, Muscle, take
action now:

2. Dumbbell Training is a favorite of many Dinos,
and here's the book and the DVD that will teach
you the secrets of old-school dumbbell exercises:

3. My other books and courses are right here:

4. Thought for the Day: "Good exercises are like old
friends. You can always count on them." -- Brooks
