Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The 12 - 2 - 14 Workout!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

A couple of quick updates and then we'll talk
about the 12 - 2 - 14 workout.

1. The Dino Files quarterly

Is in stock and we're shipping the little monster
all around the world, and we're getting rave
reviews from readers.

If you ordered a copy, it's either already in your
hands or on the way. Drop a note and let me know
how you like it.

If you didn't order your copy yet, here's the link:


If you want to save on shipping, order the Dino Files
quarterly and one or more other books, courses or
other Dino goodies. Ask for a shiping quote before
placing your order. We can help you save some
serious clams by combining orders.

2. Knife, Fork, Muscle

Is also in stock, and all orders have been shipped. The
little monster is getting off the chart reviews, and it
looks like it is going to be one of our most popular
books ever -- as well it should. Diet and nutrition
is the missing piece of the puzzle for far too many
trainees -- and there's far too much Buffalo
Shuffle (to phrase it politely) in most of what
is available on the topic.

If you ordered a copy already, drop me a note when
it arrives -- and give me feedback when you are
finished with it. And THANK YOU for your order!

If you've been waiting, go here to grab your copy:


3. The 12 - 2 - 14 Workout

And now  -- on the training front . . .

Today is December 2, 2014.

Meaning that it's 12 - 2 - 14.

So here's the workout of the day. Totally scientific.
Based on the latest research studies.

You do 12 exercises per body-part.

Two sets of each exercise.

For 14 reps.

So it's 12 x 2 x 14.

Now, here's the great part.

That's the morning workout.

In the afternoon, you train again and change things
up a bit.

You do 2 exercises per body-part -- for 12 sets
each -- and 14 reps per set.

So that's 2 x 12 x 14.

And here's the best part.

Your rep count is 12 seconds up -- pause for
2 seconds -- and 14 seconds down.

As I said, it's all very scientific -- and it's all based
on the latest research.


I'm kidding.

But think about it. Is the 12 - 2 - 14 workout very
much different from most of what passes for training
advice in the modern world?

Unfortunately, it's not. It's pretty close to what many
people pass off as the latest and greatest miracle
system -- and it may even be better than some of

The problem, of course, is that the workouts that
really work seem to be too darn simple. They seem
to be too old-fashioned. Too basic. Too old-school.
So trainees get suckered into the new and the
outrageous. The latest and the greatest.

But remember this: if something has been around
for a long time, it's been working for a long time.

That's why I train Dino style -- meaning old-school
style -- even if it's December 2, 2014.

And that's why you should do the same.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Dinosaur Bodyweight Training and Dinosaur
Dumbbell Training have been best sellers this week
and last. You can grab them right here:

Dinosaur Dumbbell Training


Dinosaur Bodyweight Training


P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right here
at Dino Headquarters:


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "It may be old-fashioned,
but if it works, who cares?" -- Brooks Kubik
