Friday, December 26, 2014

The Magic of Barbell Training

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let me begin with a great big THANK YOU for all
of the kind words and Christmas greetings from
Dinos around the world.

We were very touched -- and we really appreciate
it. So to everyone who reached out by email, Facebook
or snail mail -- THANK YOU!

One reader sent a brief email with a Christmas
greeting on Christmas Day -- and he also included
a comment about this year's Dinosaur Christmas

He wrote:

"I didn't know elves made my old York Big 12 set,
but I can't say I'm surprised. It sure worked magic
on my skinny self."

And I imagine it did.

Barbell sets truly are magical.

Just take any skinny kid who's desperate to get
bigger and stronger so he can play sports -- or so
he can look like the other guys -- or so he can get
over the illnesses that plague him.

Or take any fat kid who's desperate to lose the
flab, build some muscle, and get into good shape.

Or any kid who's tired of being a punching bag for
the local bully.

Or any middle-aged (or older) man who's trying to
get back into shape after 20, 30 or 40 years of
neglecting his body.

People come to barbell training for a variety of
reasons -- but they all have one thing in common.

They need help.

And barbell and dumbbell training, properly applied
as outlined in a good training program, will give them
the help they need.

In fact, if you do it the right way, barbell and dumbbell
training will give you such good results that it's almost
hard to believe.

Yes, it's almost magical.

Sounds silly, but it's true.

And the Iron Pills have been working their magic for
many years -- and will continue to work their magic
for as long as men can dream of building bigger,
stronger, better bodies and greater strength and

I'll be training out in the garage tonight -- and I'll be
enjoying some of that barbell magic. If you train today,
I hope you do the same!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day --
and a great weekend!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Older trainees who want to get back into great
shape should start with Gray Hair and Black Iron:

P.S. 2. Chalk and Sweat has 50 different training
programs, including 10 training programs for beginners
of any age:

P.S. 3. Diet and nutrition are always important for
trainees of all ages -- and I cover this part of the
program in Knife, Fork, Muscle:

P.S. 4. My other books and courses are right here:

P.S. 5. Thought for the Day: "I wish everyone in
the world could experience the magic of barbell
training." -- Brooks Kubik
