Friday, December 12, 2014

The Most Important Rule for Older Trainees!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We'll talk training in just a minute, but first let
me cover some quick updates.

1. Knife, Fork, Muscle

Is printed -- in stock -- and we're filling all orders
immediately. Go here to grab a copy:

2. Our Best Sellers

The best sellers for the month are Knife, Fork,
Muscle -- Dinosaur Bodyweight Training -- and
Dinosaur Dumbbell Training. Several of you have
ordered all three, which makes a nice package,
and brings you plenty of strength, muscle and
health for the coming years. Gray Hair and Black
Iron is also making a move -- as are the Legacy
of Iron books -- and my John Grimek, Dinosaur
Arms and Military Press courses. And, of course,
the original little monster -- Dinosaur Training --
is always very popular.

You can find all of them -- and more -- right here
at Dino Headquarters:

3. SuperHuman Radio Interview

I had a very interesting interview on Carl Lanore's
SuperHuman Radio this week. We talked about diet
and nutrition, and covered some very important
points. You can find it right here (it's episode

And now -- on the training front . . .

Let's talk about training for older Dinos.

I titled this message "The Number One Rule
for Older Trainees" -- and that creates a bit
of a problem for me, because I can think of
several very important rules for older trainees.

In fact, it's hard to choose the "most important"
rule -- so I'll give you my top 10 list:

1. Train hard, but train smart.

a. Listen to your brain, not your ego.

2. Don't hurt yourself.

a. The older you are, the easier it is to hurt
yourself, and the longer it takes to recover.

3. Throw away the muscle magazine silliness
once and for all.

a. It didn't do you any good when you were
younger, and it won't do you any good now.

4. Don't go crazy thinking about what you could
do when you were younger -- or what the young
bucks are lifting -- and focus on the most
important person in your training universe:


a. Aim to improve YOUR CURRENT performance,
and YOUR CURRENT levels of strength, health and
muscular devleopment.

5. Have fun when you train.

a. You're older. You may be a parent or a
grandparent. You work hard. You deserve to
have fun.

b. Fun relates to motivation. Read high quality
training books and courses to stay motivated
and inspired. This is expecially important if you
train by yourself. Fuel your workouts by fueling
your mind with top notch Iron Game books
and courses.

6. If it hurts, don't do it.

a. Even if it's a favorite exercise, or if someone
you respect says to do it.

7. Don't over-do things.

a. Older trainees need to reduce and control training
volume -- training intensity -- and how heavy they

8. Keep your weight under control.

a. Getting your weight under control is one of the
most important things you can do for your health.

b. See Knife, Fork, Muscle for details.

9. Set realistic goals for yourself.

a. See point no. 4, above.

10. Regular, consistent training is the key to great
results -- not super programs.

a. If you jump into a super program you will
either hurt yourself or burn out -- or both.

b. You don't need super programs. You need
sensible, regular, consistent training. This is
true at any age, but it's more important than
ever for older trainees.

I could go on and on, but I said I'd give you 10
Rules -- so here they are. Hope they help!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. if you train today (as I will), make it a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more great information about effective
training for older Dinos, grab a copy of Gray Hair
and Black Iron:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses --including
Knife, Fork, Muscle and the new quarterly Dinosaur
Files -- are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train hard, but train
smart. As you get older, train smarter." -- Brooks
