Thursday, January 1, 2015

10 Tips to Make 2015 the Best Year Ever for Strength and Health!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

And a Happy New Year to all Dinos all around
the world. I hope the New Year is filled with
strength, health and happiness for each and
every one of you.

To that end, allow me to offer 10 tips to help
guide your training over the next 12 months.

10 Tips to Make 2015 the Best Year Ever for
Strength and Health

1. Focus on optimum diet and nutrition -- the
kind I cover in Knife, Fork, Muscle.

a. Training builds strength  -- diet and nutrition
build health. You need both.

b. Your car won't run very well if you fill it with
sand -- and your body won't run very well if you
fill it with the wrong kind of food.

2. Focus on ground-based training. (Otherwise
known as "stand on your feet" training.)

a. You should stand on your feet for 80 to 90
percent of your workout -- and many Dinos
perform their entire workout on their feet.

b. See the Dinosaur Training Military Press
and Shoulder Power Course for a good example
of old-school, stand on your feet training.

3. Focus on recovery and recuperation.

a. Most trainees limit their results by over-training.
That even includes trainees who think they are
being careful to avoid over-training. And it
includes almost all older trainees -- particularly
the ones who are die-hard Iron Slingers. We
tend to overdo things. It seems to be part of
our DNA. That goes for me and it goes for
everyone else. Make this a focus for 2015.

b. See Gray Hair and Black Iron for specific
advice on how to optimize recovery and

4. Have fun when you train.

a. Training is hard work, but it's also FUN. Have
fun in your workouts in 2015.

b. Having fun is a state of mind -- it doesn't
mean you do goofy stuff like squats on roller
skates or one legged kettlebell swings while
standing on a swiss ball.

5. Make a plan and stick to it.

a. No one ever gets anywhere without a map. Your
training plan is your roadmap to success.

6. Set goals for the coming year.

a. Poundage specific goals and other performance
specific goals are best. Make them as specific as
possible -- and make them challenging and inspiring,
but attainable.

7. Break your goals for the year into sub-goals.

a. This allows you to get there one step at a time,
which is the only way to get anywhere in life.

8. Keep your goals a secret.

a. Research has shown that you weaken the power of
goal-setting if you share your goal with others. A goal
is more empowering if it is YOUR secret.

b. If you share the goal, you subconsciously believe
that you have already achieved it -- so you don't work
as hard.

c. Social media fosters the blabbermouth habit -- and
weakens the power of goal-setting. This is a real
problem for many trainees.

9. Focus on the mental aspects of strength training.

a. Concentration, visualization, the iron will to succeed,

b. See Dinosaur Training and Dinosaur Bodyweight
Training for details.

10. Skip the fads and stick to the basics.

a. The basics built strength and muscle in 1915, 1935,
1955, 1975, and 1995 -- and they'll do the same in
2015. And they'll be building strength and muscle in
2035 -- long after the current fads and follies are

So there you have it -- 10 tips to make 2015 the best
year ever for strength and health! (And there's a bonus
tip in P.S. 3 below -- be sure to read it.)

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I mentioned several books and courses in this
post. You can find them here:

a. The Dinosaur Training Military Press and Shoulder
Power Course

b. Knife, Fork, Muscle

c. Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of Strength and

d. Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

e. Gray Hair and Black Iron

P,S. 2. My other books and courses -- and Dinosaur
Training DVD's -- and the Dinosaur Files strength
training journal -- are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Skip the New Year's
resolutions and do squats. They're more fun, and
they work better." -- Brooks Kubik
