Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Real World Training vs. Fantasy Training

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One quick note and then we'll talk training.

1. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 1
My new training course is available on
Kindle for those of you prefer e-books:

I'm finishing up the final edits on the hard-
copy version of the course, and it should be
printed and ready to ship on Friday or
Monday. The sales page for the hard-copy
course will be going up soon, so if you like
hard-copy books and courses, you'll be able
to order it soon.

We've been getting great feedback on the
little monster. One reader sent in an email with
a heading that read: "That e-book was Biblical
good!" -- which counts as a 5-star endorsement.
If you ordered the e-book, shoot me an email
and let me know how you like it -- and please post
a review and rate the book (hopefully 5 stars) on
the Kindle page. The reviews and ratings are very
important to us.

On the training  front, here's something that's
hard to believe.

Back in the 1950's there was a big debate about
moving to a 40-hour work week. One of the glitz
and glamour muscle mags that popularized the
Muscle Beach lifestyle promptly published an
article suggesting that we switch to 40-hour


Because that way, you could train 20 hours every

And, of course, everyone knows that the more time
you spend in the gym, the better and faster your
progress will be! (So said the magazine.)

And with 20 hour training days, everyone would
look like Mr. America in no time at all!

At least, that's what the muscle magazine said
would happen.

I don't know if it was tongue in cheek or serious,
but it's a good example of the Muscle Beach
Mentality -- by which I mean, the mentality
that says that we should all pretty much live
in the gym and train all day.

But that's not the only way to do things. There's
an alternative approach.

In contrast to the Muscle Beach world -- which is
a fantasy world created by the muscle magazines --
you have the real world.

In the real world, people work for a living. They
go to school. Sometimes they do both. And they
also have family and other responsibilities.

Spending all day in the gym doesn't work very
well in the real world.

It also doesn't lead to much in the way of results.
No one ever built strength and muscle mass by
overtraining. That was true back in the 1950's
and it's just as true today.

Real people need real world training. In real world
training, you train hard, heavy and progressively --
but you limit the length of your workoutds and how
often you train.

Another name for it is abbreviated training.

I teach it in all of my books and courses -- including
the new course -- and it works pretty darn well.

40 hour days?

20 hour workouts?

Thanks, but I'll do my training in the real world.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link to the Kindle version of the
new course:

And remember -- please post a review and rate
the little monster!

P.S. 2. I'll send an email with a link to order the
hard-copy version of the new course very soon!
Be looking for it.

P.S. 3. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "Science fiction
is fun to read, but not when it's in an article
that tells you how to train." -- Brooks Kubik
