Monday, February 23, 2015

Do You Want to Be a Monster?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Breaking news -- I'll be on Carl Lanore's
SuperHuman Radio at 12:00 noon today
(that's EST). Catch it live or listen to the
download ayc. It will be a good show.

In other news, issue no. 2 of the Dinosaur
Files quarterly was printed on Friday. We
mailed some of the issues on Saturday,
and we'll try to get the rest of them out
the door today. If you forgot to order a
copy, do it now -- we have extras:

On the training front, let's talk about one
of the most interesting advertising
campaigns in barbell history.

Back in the mid-1950's, Harry Paschall
came up with an ad for the York Barbell
Company. This was at the height of the
Hoffman-Weider feud, and you can see
very quickly that Harry was supporting
the York side in his ad.

But he was also supporting old-school
physical culture as opposed to modern

What he says is worth reading -- and
worth thinking about. Particularly today,
when everyone wants to look "freaky"
or look like a "monster" -- and when
so many turn to roidskies to try to
achieve that look.

Harry's barbell ad read like this:

"Without question barbells offer you the
quickest and surest means of developing
your body, strengthening your muscles and
improving your athletic ability. BUT consider
carefully before you buy a barbell. A sensible
buyer should first investigate the claims of
the various competing manufacturers. There
are many good reasons why York is the
oldest, largest and best known company
in this field.


A barbell in inexperienced hands may well
become an instrument of destruction and
distortion. Therefore, a barbell is only as
good as the course of instruction behind it.
There are certain 'muscle-bulging' courses
marketed today that create monsters instead
of men.

The natural, trim, well-proportioned athletic
lines of the body are distorted by unnatural
exercise methods into ugly lumps, varicose
veins, ruptured and swollen tissues.

Men trained by such methods lose speed,
range of movement, flexibility and muscular

We are reluctant to believe that any young
man in his right mind wants to look like a

Harry was almost 60 years old when he came
up with this ad -- and although I love Harry
Paschall dearly and view him as a mentor and
as a friend, I think he was behind the times on
this one.

Not because his message (or warning) was
wrong -- but because by 1956, when Harry
wrote, this, it was already too late. The horse
was out of the barn. The young guys all wanted
to look like freaks and monsters.

I think that's continued to the present day --
and I think it's a problem for physical culture.

But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are still
plenty of trainees who are more interested in
strength and health than in looking like a
monster. What do you think?

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. if you train today, Make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Our Dinosaur Training e-books are getting
off-the-chart reviews. Go here to grab them:

And please post a review for us -- the reviews really

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train for lifelong strength
and health, and everything else will be just fine. "
-- Brooks Kubik
