Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Here Comes Issue No. 2 of the Dinosaur Files Quarterly!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Here's the link to grab issue no. 2 of the
Dinosaur Files quarterly:


The table of contents for the new issue of
the Dinosaur Files quarterly is on the order
page. It's a great issue, with tons of terrific

Please note -- the little monster has not
been printed yet. It should be printed and
ready to ship on Fri or Saturday -- or
Monday at the latest. But go ahead
and order so we know how many
copies to print.

Remember, we are offering the little
monster on an issue by issue basis,
not as a subscription.

That works better for everyone with a
quarterly publication. So whenever a
new issue is ready, we'll add an order
button for it -- along with the table of
contents. You can grab them as they
come out.

If you want to order the Dinosaur Files
quarterly plus any other book, course
or other Dinosaur Training product,
shoot me an email and ask for a
shipping quote.

Any questions, shoot me an email!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
