Friday, February 27, 2015

Questions and Answers for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We had a great show yesterday on the first
official episode of Physical Culture Radio. If
you missed the show, you can download the
podcast right here:

And please give us feedback about the show.
We need to hear from you.

Physical Culture Radio runs every Thursday
at 12:00 EST.

For the first couple of shows, we're going to
cover the topic of building and maintaining
lifelong strength and health -- or, as I called
it on the show, "successful aging."

Some people use the term "anti-aging" -- but
I don't because the truth os the matter is, we
all age. The only alternative is to stop living,
and that's not a good alternative.

The key is, to age well -- meaning to stay
strong and healthy and fit and active.

So that's what we're going to focus on for
the first few shows.

And we're going to try to make the show as
helpful as possible -- and as organic as possible.
One thing we're going to do is to solicit training
questions from listeners -- and answer them
on the show.

So if you have questions about diet, nutrition,
or exercise for older Dinos, send them on in
and we'll see if we can work them into the

Similarly -- I'm working on volume 2 in my
new series of courses, Dinosaur Training
Secrets -- and one thing I'm going to do
is to answer any questions that anyone may
have about something we covered in volume
1 of the series.

So if you have Dinosaur Training Secrets,
vol. 1, feel free to shoot in a training question,
and we'll try to answer it in vol. 2.

If you don't have the little monster, start by
going here to grab it -- in your choice of
hard copy or Kibndle e-book:

And please note -- I could charge some serious
clams to answer training questions -- but I'm
doing it for free on Physical Culture Radio and
in the Dinosaur Training Secrets courses, because
I think it adds lots of value for you -- and because
it's my way of saying THANK YOU for being a part
of what we do.

By the way, we're getting great feedback about
releasing the new ciourses as Kindle e-books.

Readers are saying:

1. It's fast and convenient.

a. And you don't even need a Kindle device --
you can download an app that allows you to
read Kindle e-books on your phone or your

2. I like not having to pay for shipping.

a. I like not having to charge you for shipping --
especially if you are an overseas reader.

3. It's easy to read, because you can increase
the size of the print.

a. I'm with you on that one!

4. My wife loves it because I don't leave books
and courses all over the house.

4a. Tell your wife that Trudi agrees 10,000 percent.

4b. Also, it might leave room for a power rack
and a thousand or two thousand pounds of iron
in the living room.

4c. Don't laugh -- Tommy Kono had squat stands
and a barbell in his living room once.

5. I can read on the bus or subway on the way
to work, or read during lunch time, or read while
I'm travelling.

6. It's about time you did this!

6a. About seven bazillion readers have said this.

6b. They're right.

6c. Trudi has been urging me to do this for the
past year or two. She was right, too.

On the other hand, many readers prefer hard-
copy because they just like ink on paper -- and
I understand that, too.

The bottom line is, we're going to continue to
offer books and courses the old-fashioned way --
ink on paper -- and we're going to continue to
offer books and courses as Kindle e-books. In
other words, we're going to continue to bring
you top-flight training information -- in both
hard-copy and e-book.

And before I go -- one final note -- issue no. 2
of the Dinosaur Files quarterly has been mailed,
and if you ordered it, the little monster should
be landing in your mail box very soon. Shoot me
an email and let me know how you like it!

If you forgot to order, here's the link:

Note that we have copies of issue no. 1 of the
Dinosaur Files quarterly -- so if you missed it,
grab both of them. You'll want the complete

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one -- and
remember to send in those questions!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We just released the Dinosaur Training Military
Press and Shoulder Power course as a Kindle e-book.
Go here to grab a copy:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses -- and Dinosaur
Training DVD's -- and the world-famous Legacy of
Iron novels -- are right here at Dinosaur

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "The iron is your
friend, and so are good books." -- Brooks
