Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Barbells vs. Nautilus Machines -- Who Wins?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Three quick notes and then we'll talk training.

1. The Dinosaur Files quarterly

Issue no. 2 is out -- and it's getting great feedback
from readers. Go here to grab it:

2. Physical Culture Radio

I'll be co-hosting Physical Culture Radio at 12:00
noon EST tomorrow. Catch us live or listen to the
download at your convenience. Find us here on
Carl Lanore's SuperHuman Radio network:

We've had two shows already, which you can
download from the archives. Give them a try --
I think you'll like them!

BTW, we're answering questions from readers,
so send them on in and we'll see if we can
answer them on air.

3. Dinosaur Training on Kindle

We have two Dinosaur Training courses available
in your choice of hard-copy or Kindle e-book --
with more to come. The Kindle option is a big
favorite with many Dinos -- so many that both
courses have been Amazon Top 10 best sellers
in their category.

The Dinosaur Training Military Press and Shoulder
Power Course is right here:

My new course, Dinosaur Training Secrets,
Vol. 1, is right here -- there are separate
order buttons for the hard-copy and the
Kindle e-book:

If you grab one of the Kindle e-books, please
post a review. They really help us.

And now -- let's talk training.

Over the years, you may have noticed that
people LOVE to argue about the merits of
barbells vs. exwercise machines.

If we didn't have this to argue about, half the
training forums in cyber-land would lose all
of their readers overnight.

And we'd lose half the flame wars -- and
two thirds of the trolls -- and the avatars
probably wouldn't be nearly as good.

But rather than argue about it, let me share
my personal training results with an all-barbell
program and an all-Nautilus program.

And then YOU can make your own decisions
about the whole "barbells vs. machines"

So here's what happened in my own case.

When I was in college, I trained on an all-
Nautilus program for several years. I weighed
about 155 pounds (at 5'9") when I started

Over the next two or three years, my weight
went up to 165 pounds and then plateaued.

I started training at home with an all barbell

My weight went up to 175 or 180 pounds.

I took an out-of-town job one summer, was
not able to train, and had very little to eat
because I was trying to save money for

During that summer, my weight dropped to
165 pounds. I viewed that as my "no training
and not much food weight."

I started law school that Fall, and was able
to train again, using an all barbell program.
I also was able to eat in the school cafeteria,
so I had three square meals a day.

My weight went up to 180 pounds in a couple
of months.

During my third year of law school, I was very
busy with classes and was working a couple of
part time jobs -- and not training very much --
and not eating very much, because I didn't
have much money for food.

My weight dropped back to -- you guessed it --
165 pounds.

I graduated from law school, got a job in
Louisville, started training at a local gym
that had nothing but barbells and dumbbells,
and started to eat better -- and my weight
went up to 180 pounds again very quickly.

Then we moved, and for the next year I trained
at a nearby Nautilus club.

After one year at the Nautilus club, I stepped
onto the scales.

My weight had dropped back down to 165

My "no training and not much food weight."

I quit the Nautilus club, went back to the
barbell gym, and my weight shot back up
to 180 pounds.

From there, it went up to 225 pounds --
but that's a different story. I cover it in
Strength, Muscle and Power and Knife,
Fork, Muscle -- and in Dinosaur Training
Secrets, Vol. 1.

Anyhow, I don't bother to read the stuff
on the interweb forums about barbells vs.
exercise machines. I know what works for

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day.  If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I mentioned Strength, Muscle and
Power and Knife, Fork, Muscle. You can
find them right here:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "It's easy to
make mistakes. What's hard is to learn from
them." -- Brooks Kubik
