Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Spartan Workout, Part Two

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll talk training.

1. The "How Strong Are You?" E-Book

My new course, "How Strong Are You?" is
now available as a Kindle e-book at Amazon.

Go here to grab the little monster:

If you grab the e-book, please post a
review at our Kindle page. The reviews
really help.

For a hard-copy version of the new course,
go here:

2. Physical Culture Radio

I'll be co-hosting Physical Culture Radio at
12:00 noon EST today. Catch it live or listen
to the download later on:

3.  The Spartan Workout (Part Two)

Yesterday's post discussed the benefits of
training in spartan quarters as opposed to
a more luxurious facility.

One of the benefits of training in a spartan
facility is that you don't have lots of

And that's a good thing.

A garage gym typically features a barbell
set, a power rack, and a bench.

Maybe you have some dumbbells or kettlebells,
a Trap Bar, a Log Bar, heavy-duty cables, a heavy
duty headstrap for neck work, and some grip
blasters. Perhaps a pull-up bar if you have a
place for it.

An old-school commercial gym has more
racks, benches and barbells -- and more
dumbbells -- but it doesn't have much
else. It certainly doesn't have tons of fancy

Most people think you need lots of different
equipment to get a good workout.

They're wrong.

What you need is GOOD equipment. Strong,
well-made bars, benches and racks. The
emphasis should always be on quality,
not quantity.

High quality equipment is better because it's
stronger and safer -- and because it feels
better when you use it. If you're used to
a high quality barbell, for example, you're
in for a shock if you ever use a low quality
bar. The difference is night and day. Found
that out a few years ago when I was on

But the biggest benefit of training with less
equipment is that it allows you to focus on
the exercises and equipment that really

A gym with 10 or 12 different leg machines
is sending a not so subtle message about
squats -- the message being:

1. Squats are just one of many exercises for
the lower body.

2. Squats alone are not enough, so you need
other leg exercises.

3. You can skip squats and do other exercises
for your lower body.

In contrast, a gym with no leg machines, and
nothing but squat stands or power racks for
leg training, sends a much different message --
the message being:

1. Do squats!

You can make the same point about all of
the other basic exercises -- and about pretty
much everything you might find in a typical
modern gym.

The more equipment in the gym, the more
likely you are to skip the basics -- or to over-
train by doing too many different movements --
or to water down your effort and your intensity
because you're spreading yourself too thin on
too many different exercises.

Don't do that. Train smart. Train the Dino way.

Keep it simple. Focus on the exercises that
count. Skip the other stuff.

And if at all possible, train somewhere that
supports and encourages hard work on the
basics -- and if you have to, set up a place
of your own where you can do precisely

If you're stuck in a less than perfect place to
train, practice tunnel vision. Put on the visors,
shut out the noise, the chatter and the silliness,
and do your job.

In other words, "Get it done."

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here are the links again for my new
"How Strong Are You?" course. Remember
to post a review if you grab the e-book:

a. Kindle e-book:

b. Hard-copy (ink on paper):

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Squats and deadlifts
are pretty basic -- but they're also pretty effective."
-- Brooks Kubik
