Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What Really Works!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let me begin by wishing everyone a
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Wear green
and do squats!

On the training front, let's talk about
old and new -- and about what really

There's plenty of talk about modern
advances in strength training and
muscle-building, but absolutely nothing
beats the tried and true training programs
that have been building strength, muscle
and power for the past 100 years.

Do you want to get big -- really big?

Do you want to get strong -- really

Then you need to do what men did
back in the 1930's and 1940's.

You need to do plenty of heavy squats.

You need to do plenty of standing presses.

You need to do plenty of heavy back work.

You need to train for strength. You need to
always keep trying to add more weight to
the bar.

And you need to train HARD. Playing around
with light weights won't do the job. To build
big muscles, you need to build your strength
to the point where you can move some serious
iron. It's just that simple.

On the other hand, you do NOT need to spend
your life in the gym. In fact, it works better if
you don't.

You need to train two or three times a week,
for about one hour to 90 minutes per workout.
Some Dinos will do best on shorter workouts.

Remember, it's QUALITY that counts -- not
QUANTITY. One hard set is worth 20 causual

Total body workouts are great for beginners
and intermediates. Many advanced men will
do well on them, but most will do better on
divided workout programs.

The programs that were developed in the 30's,
40's and 50's are STILL the very best programs
for drug-free trainees who want to build a good
balance of strength, muscle, power, condition,
athleticism, health and fitness.

You can read about them in any of my books
and courses, from Dinosaur Training (published
way back in 1996 and a best-seller ever since)
to my most recent training courses and e-books,
as well as each and every issue of the Dinosaur
Files quarterly.

Why do I write about old-time training methods
and old-time training programs?

I write about them because they WORK!

They're fast, quick, and efficient. They don't
require fancy equipment. They're perfect for
home gym training. They're fun. And they
build strength and muscle that lasts your
entire life -- along with superb health.

So if you're looking for the "latest" in strength
training, I can't help you.

I don't deal in the "latest." I deal in the BEST.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab Dinosaur Training, Lost Secrets
of Strength and Development -- and learn more
about the super-effective training methods of the
old-time strongmen:


P.S. 2. If you prefer e-books, we have three of
them available -- go here and grab the little




Note: If you prefer hard-copy, all three e-books are
also available in hard-copy at Dinosaur Training
headquarters. (See the link below.)

P.S. 3. My other books and courses -- and Dinosaur
Training DVD's -- are available right here:


P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "Strength training
works -- but you need to do it the right way."
-- Brooks Kubik
