Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Catching Up with the Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

As I mentioned in yesterday's email, I was with
my dad in his hospice room for most of last week,
and only got back in town on Sunday. There's a
lot going on, so let me catch you up on various
Dino news and projects.

1. Thank You!

We've been overwhelmed by the messages of
support after my dad's passing. Thank you very
much. It means more than I can say -- and Dad
would have been honored to know that he had
so many Dino friends around the world.

2. Our New Products Page

We've added links for our new e-books on our
products page, so you can go to the same page
for your choice of hard copy books or courses
or e-books. The e-book link takes you right to
the Amazon Kindle pages:


The link to my new Doug Hepburn e-book
needs to be added, so here it is if you've not
already seen the e-book. The cover is pretty
darn good:


3. Book Reviews

If you've read one of our e-books, please post
a review on the Amazon Kindle page. The
reviews really help us.

If you have a hard-copy version of one of our
e-books, you can still post a review if you have
an Amazon account.

Also -- you can help us by going to the Kindle
pages and reading and ranking the reviews.
Let us know which reviews are the most
useful, etc.

4. Kindle Readers

Several Dinos have asked if they need to buy
a Kindle to read one of our e-books. The answer
is "No." There's an app on the Amazon Kindle
site that you can download for free -- and then
you can read the e-book on any device.

Several readers have asked me which Kindle
device is best -- the answer is, I don't know
because I'm new to this. You'll have to consult
with an expert, i.e., a clerk at a store or any

5. Facebook and Twitter

We're on both. Friend us and follow us.

6. The Dinosaur Files Quarterly

The Dinosaur Files Quarterly is a quarterly
jiournal devoted to Dino-style strength training
and muscle building. It contains my own original
articles, and original articles from your fellow

We offer the Dino Files Quarterly on an issue
by issue basis, NOT a subscrioption. Think of
each issue as a new training course (which is
what it really is).

Go here to see the table of contents for the
December 2014 and March 2015 issues:


The next issue will be coming out in June.

On a related note, if you want to submit an
article for the June Dino Files, please shoot
me an email.

If you have feedback about the last issue,
please send an email and let me hear it.

Also -- we're thinking about offering an e-book
version of The Dinosaur Files Quarterly. If that
sounds good, please let me know asap.

7. More E-Books Are Coming!

I'm working on several e-books. I would have
launched another one for you, but that ended
up being impossible due to my Dad's illness
and passing.

We'll try to finish one up in the next 7 to 10
days. Be looking for the announcement.

8. Physical Culture Radio

My weekly podcast with Carl Lanore will be on
Thursday at 12:00 noon EST. We're going to
dedicate the show to my Dad, and talk about
the end of life process and death with dignity.
That's a bit of a different topic, but as you can
imagine, it's on my mind. And it's an important
topic for all of us.

Physical Culture Radio is part of the SuperHuman
Radio network. You can find us right here:


 9. Legacy of Iron

If you're a Legacy of Iron fan, please shoot me
an email with a one-line review for the little

10. Shipping for Multiple Items

We can save you some big clams if you order
two or more items and we ship them together.
This is especialy true for overseas orders and
orders to Canada.

Email and ask for a shipping quote for any
multiple item order.

The Wrap-Up

That catches us up. As always, thanks for
reading, and have a great day. If you train
today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Don't forget to check out the new
products page -- and the new Doug
Hepburn e-book -- and the Dinosaur
Files quarterly:




P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "If you made every
workout count, how fast would you gain?"
-- Brooks Kubik
