Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Some Good Advice from My Dad

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll talk about
some good advice from my Dad.

1. Molding a Mighty Chest

John Wood has released a great looking
Kindle e-book edition of George F. Jowett's
classic course from 1932, Molding a Mighty
Chest. John added his own commentary and
notes on how to perform the different
exercises, and even inckluded a bonus
chapter -- a rare article from Jowett

Go here to grab it:


2. Dinosaur Training Secrets

I'm working on course no. 3 in the Dinosaur
Training Secrets series. Go here to grab them
in your choice of hard-copy or Kindle e-books:

1. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 1.
"Exercises, Workouts and Training

Kindle e-book




2. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 2,
"How Strong Are You?"

Kindle e-book




And now -- let's cover some good advice from
my Dad. Remember, he's the one who got
me started in the Iron Game nearly 50 years
ago -- so that makes him the original

My Dad passed away 10 days ago. When
we were in his room at the hospice, I read
one of his favorite books to him.

The title is The Haunted Bookshop. It was
published way back in 1919. The author is
a man named Christopher Morley.

The Haunted Bookshop is not a ghost story or a
story about the supernatural. The title comes
from Morley's love of books. The sign on the
door says it all:

"This shop is haunted by the ghosts of all
great literature."

The propietor of the bookshop, Roger Mifflin,
also notes (and I agree with this ten thousand

"When you sell a man a book, you don't sell
him just twelve ounces of paper and ink and
glue, you sell him a whole new life."

I had seen this book on my Dad's bookshelf
for my entire life, but somehow, I never read
it. So by reading it to him, I was learning
some new and wonderful things.

After Dad's passing, I did a little research
about Christopher Morley, and I found some
words of advice that he left behind after HIS
passing in 1957. Since I found this because I
had been reading The Haunted Bookshop
to my Dad, I consider this to be advice
from him, as well. It certainly sums up
how my Dad lived his life.

Here it is:

"Read, every day, something no one else
is reading. Think, every day, something no
one else is thinking. Do, every day, something
no one else would be silly enough to do. It is
bad for the mind to continually be part of

Now, I don't know about you, but I think
that's pretty good advice.

All we need to do is add:

"Lift, every day, something no one else is

And now we've got a perfect creed for

That's because Dinosaurs are different. They
don't follow the crowd. They don't do something
just because "everyone else is doing it." In fact,
when it comes to training, very few people train
like a Dinosaur.

If you're reading this, you're a Dinosaur.
And you're doing exactly what Christopher
Morley wanted you to do -- and exactly
what my Dad wanted you to do.

You're finding your own path -- and you're
living life your way, on your terms.

For that, I salute you. And so does my Dad.
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We have three other new e-books, and
I think you'll like them:

a. The Training Secrets of John Grimek


b. The Dinosaur Military Press and Shoulder
Power Course


c. The Doug Hepburn Strength and Muscle Building


P.S. 2. If you prefer hard-copy books and courses,
go here to grab them:


P.S. 3.  Thought for the Day: "Dare to be different.
No one ever achieved anything great by following
the beaten path." -- Brooks Kubik
