Sunday, April 26, 2015

Strength and Muscle in 100 Words or Less -- Part 3

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I trained the other night.

Snatches and clean and jerks.

It wasn't fancy, it wasn't high
tech, and it wasn't anything that
any of the internet experts and
whiz kids would do.

It was just me and the barbell.

And it was lots of fun.

Lots of sweat, too.

And the best part is -- it works.

I'm getting stronger -- and I'm
lifting more -- and I'm having a
great time in every workout.

And at close to age 60, that's
not bad.

But don't tell that to "the

They wouldn't approve.

They never approve of anything.

Especially anything that works.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You want real -- and effective?

Try this:


Kindle e-book

P.S. 2. And this:



P.S.3. Thought for the Day: "If it works, don't
listen to someone who tries to tell you otherwise."
-- Brooks Kubik