Monday, May 18, 2015

7 Simple Tips to Improve Your Workouts!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

It's a new week, and we're going to start it
off with some great training tips -- but first,
let me cover three quick updates.

1. Now Available in E-book -- Legacy of Iron.

We just released Legacy of Iron as a Kindle
e-book. Go here to grab your copy of this
fast-paced, hard-hitting adventure story
set in the Golden Age of Might and Muscle:

Legacy of Iron is a unique combination of
historical novel and instruction book in old
school strength training. It gives you an
inside look at the York champions and how
they trained in the 1930's and 1940's.

It's one of our most popular books, and I'm
very happy to be able to offer it on Kindle.

There are four other books in the Legacy
of Iron series, and we'll try to get them
up on Kindle as soon as possible.

Note: If you prefer hard-copy books, shoot
me an email and ask for a special discount
on all five books in the series -- or a discount
on whatever book or books in the series you
need to complete your set.

Also -- if you've read Legacy of Iron in the
hard-copy edition, and you're an Amazon
customer, please go to our Kindle site and
post a review. The reviews help us

2. Add 20 Pounds to Your Bench Press!

I updated and expanded one of my old
articles for John Wood's strength archive
project. It covers the bench press, and it
includes some terrific tips -- including one
tip that should add 20 pounds to your bench
all by itself. It's an Iron League exclusive,
and it's only available to Iron League

Go here to join the Iron League:

3. A Big Week for the Dinos!

We're going to be releasing some great new
books and courses -- and something else that's
new and special -- later in the week. Stay tuned
for updates. It will be exciting.

And now, let's talk training.

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Workouts

Strength training is like anything else in life.
There's a very big difference between doing
something right and doing it "almost right."

And sometimes, some simple changes can
lead to a big difference in results.

So here are 7 simple ways to get more out
of your workouts -- starting right now.

1. Drop the Tech.

No cell-phone, no I-pad, no tablet, no Facebook
time, no selfies, no photos, no video uploads,
no internet, no nothing.

When you train, you have one job and one job
only -- to TRAIN.

To do it effectively, you need to do it with total
and complete focus  and maximum concentration.
Any form of tech interferes with that -- even
if you only use it in-between sets.

Drop the tech, up the iron, and see what

2. Keep a workout journal.

Tommy Kono used to record every workout he ever
took. He still has his training journals. Is it any
wonder the man was a six-time World Champion
and two-time Olympic gold medal winner?

A training journal is the only way to keep track
of your training, and make sure you are staying
on course and making real progress. You NEED
to keep one.

Keeping a training journal helps you focus on
your goals for each workout. And that brings
us to tip no. 3.

3. Use goal-oriented workouts.

Don't just train -- train for a purpose.

Every time you hit the iron, you should have a
definite goal -- more reps, more weight, better
form, or deeper concentration.

Every workout should be a step on the road to
strength training success.

You should go the gym (or to the basement or
the garage) with a definite purpose. And then
you should work like heck to achieve your goal.

4. Learn to do more with less.

Rather than trying a fancy new piece of equipment,
master the basic tools of the trade.

Barbells and dumbbells are the basic tools of the
trade. Learn to use them with maximum
effectiveness. Most people never do -- and
that's a shame.

Work on learning to lift as efficiently as possible.
Perfect your form -- and then work to make it
even better.

Perfect form helps you avoid injury -- and it helps
you use as much weight on the bar as possible --
and it helps focus the stress on exactly the right
muscle groups.

It also makes training more enjoyable and more
fun -- because it gives you another way of
measuring your progress and improving your
performance over time.

5. Expect to make good progress.

Don't just go to the gym and "give it a try."

Give it your all.

Expect to succeed.

Weight training works. It's been working for
well over 100 years. It works for me, it works
for Dinos around the world, and it will work
for you -- especially when you BELIEVE that
it will.

Train with quiet confidence. Know that if you
put in the work, you WILL succeed.

6.  Stick to your program.

Perhaps I should say, stick to YOUR program.

Tip no. 3 -- use goal-oriented workouts --
assumes that you go to the gym with a
definite plan of action.

You know what you are going to do, and you
do it.

You stick to your plan.

But too many trainees go to the gym and
start drifting. They plan to do squats, but
some guy is curling in the squat rack, so
they do leg presses instead.

Or someone asks to work in, and then he
suggests doing something new and different,
and all of a sudden the plan for the day goes
out the window.

Or the trainee checks Facebook before training,
sees someone doing a cool new exercise, and
decides to give it a try instead of doing his

Don't do that. Stick to your plan. To YOUR

7. Think strong.

I cover pre-workout and pre-set power-thinking
in detail in Dinosaur Training -- and it's something
that will help rocket your workouts to the next

If you have a copy, go back and read chapters
19 and 20.

If you don't have a copy, grab one and read it --
and then go back and reread those two chapters.

Using visualization and concentration to power
your workouts will increase your rate of progress
more than anything you can do.

It's easy to learn, and fun to do -- and it's a
skill you can use for the rest of your life.

It's also a skill you can use in all other aspects
of your life -- not just training, but everything.
As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets
of Strength and Development:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters -- along with links
to all of my Kindle e-books:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Anything worth
doing is worth doing right, and that goes double
for strength training." -- Brooks Kubik
