Monday, May 4, 2015

A Big Derby Surprise for the Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then I'll share a Derby
surprise that will knock your socks off.

1. Knife, Fork, Muscle

We're releasing Knife, Fork, Muscle in a
series of Kindle e-books, with live links
to various resources cited in the book. The
first four books in the series will give you
all of the information in the original hard-
copy edition that we released in 2014.

The first e-book covers protein requirements
for Dinosaurs -- meaning hard training Iron
Slingers -- along with tons of information
on your best sources of high quality protein.

What to eat -- and what not to eat -- and

You can grab the first e-book in the series
right here:

If you prefer the original hard-copy edition,
it's right here at Dino Headquarters:

2. The New Products Page

Our new products page has links to my hard-
copy books and courses -- AND links to my
Kindle e-books. Check it out:

Be sure to follow the links to the e-book pages
and look at the reviews -- and pick your favorites,
and rank them.

And feel free to post a review of your own --
the reviews really help us.

3. The Big Derby Surprise

As you probably know, we live in Louisville,
Kentucky -- about 5 miles away from world-
famous Churchill Downs, the home of the
legendary Kentucky Derby.

The Kentucky Derby is one of the biggest
events in all of sports, and this year it was
bigger than ever.

Our daughter was home to visit, and she
and Trudi went to the Derby. I stayed home
and worked on Dino projects.

At about 6:00, I stopped working and went
downstairs and turned on the tv. I decided to
watch the final run-up (no pun intended) to the
big race that they famously call "the most
exciting two minutes in sports."

They always follow the same traditions as the
race gets closer and closer.

The owners and their families walk the horses
down the track from the stable -- and then the
jockeys come out -- and they saddle up and
begin the long, slow walk to the starting gate.

As they do, the trumpets blare -- and then the
band plays "My Old Kentucky Home" -- and
everyone sings along.

It's a Kentucky tradition, and a hugely sentimental
moment -- and for two minutes, everyone in the
entire world is a Kentuckian -- and there's not a
dry eye in the house.

The tv cameras pan the jockeys -- and then the
crowd -- and then a beautiful woman in one of
those spectacular Derby hats -- and then the
jockeys again -- the crowd -- and another
beautiful woman. They're looking for women
who epitomize the spirit of the Derby, its
tradition, its honor and its beauty.

So there I am, sitting in the living room, checking
the crowd closely, looking for Trudi and for our

I knew where they were sitting, and it was close
to the track, and I thought -- if I was lucky --
very lucky -- I just might catch a glimpse of

Of course, there were over 170,000 people
there, so the odds of seeing them were pretty
remote. Still, all you can do is try.

But we were almost at the end of "My Old
Kentucky Home" and there was no sign of

And suddenly, there she was.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, beige hat -- singing her
heart out. You could even see the tears in her

It was Trudi -- and the camera stayed on her
for a very long time, as the music swelled, and
the crowd joined her.

She was the face of the Kentucky Derby --
and the voice of the Derby.

She brought it home -- helping to make a
magical moment even more magical for 16
million viewers around the world --
including one very astonished and very
proud Dinosaur sitting there in the living
room, his eyes bulging in disbelief.

If you missed it -- or if you didn't know it was
Trudi -- here's the clip. She's at 1:21 or so:

Thanks for watching -- and I hope you
enjoyed it. I know I did. It's a moment
that Trudi and I and all of our friends
and family will treasure forever.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link again for the first of the
Knife, Fork, Muscle e-books:

P.S. 2. If you prefer hard-copy, go here:

P.S. 3. My other books and courses are right

P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "If you can
touch the hearts of 16 million people, you're
doing pretty darn good -- and you're pretty
darn special." -- Brooks Kubik
