Monday, May 11, 2015

Are You Eating Poison or Power Foods?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll talk about diet
and nutrition for strength training and muscle

1. Our New Products Page

Has links to all of our hard-copy books and
courses AND links to our e-books in Amazon's
Kindle bookstore:

2. The Strength Archive

My friend John Wood is creating an enormous
strength archive -- a member's only website
with some of the best material you've ever
seen or dreamed of seeing.  Here's a video
that gives you an idea of what he's putting
into the strength archive. Take a look and
see how rare some of the material is:

3. Are You Eating Poison or Power Foods?

I borrowed the title of today's email from
an article in Peary Rader's old IronMan
magazine. I read it more than 40 years ago,
but it always stayed with me.

It's an important question.

After all, if you eat POWER FOODS, you're
going to build plenty of strength and muscle.

If you eat POISON FOODS, you're not.

It's that simple.

The problem is, how do you know whether
something is good for you?

It's not an easy question -- and there's plenty
of seriously bad advice out there. And there
always has been.

Back when I was a kid, the muscle magazines
urged us to eat plenty of:

1. Whole wheat products, including whole
wheat bread and whole wheat or whole grain

2. Soybeans

3. Protein supplements made from soybean

4. Wheat germ oil

5. Wheat germ

6. Germ oil blends made from wheat germ oil,
rice germ oil and soy germ oil

7. Brewer's yeast

8. Vitamin pills that got their B vitamins from
brewer's yeast

9. Gallons of milk

10. Lecithin -- which is made from soybeans

11. Peanuts and peanut butter

12. Tree nuts

These, we were told, were the "power foods."

I wanted to get big and strong, so I ate all of
the "power foods" -- and ate them in large

The problem was, they didn't work.

They didn't make me bigger or stronger.

They didn't make me healthier.

They didn't make me a better athlete.

They made me sick.

Sometimes they made me terribly sick. As
sick as I've ever been in my entire life.

I remember when I tried the world famous
Get Big Drink.

For me, it worked in reverse.

It made me so sick that I ended up losing

It was many long years before I sat down,
did the research, and learned exactly what
was happening.

For me, the POWER FOODS were really POISON

And they may be POISON FOODS for you, as

I'll explain why tomorrow. Be looking for it. This
is important stuff -- and it's information I wish I
had had 40 years ago. It would have made a
world of difference for me.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great
day. if you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I cover "power foods" and "poison foods"
in detail in Knife, Fork, Muscle -- and teach you
what to eat and what to avoid.

Go here to grab the complete hard-copy edition:

If you prefer e-books, we're releasing Knife,
Fork, Muscle in a series of e-books. The first
in the series covers protein requirements
for strength training and muscle building --
and details your best POWER FOODS for
high quality protein. Go here to grab the
little monster:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses -- and
Dinosaur shirts and DVD's -- are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "When it
comes to eating for strength and health,
it pays to do your homework." -- Brooks
