Saturday, May 23, 2015

How to Eat Healthy Without Breaking the Bank!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

It's Memorial Day weekend here in the
USA, and I hope everyone is having a
great weekend.

We started the day with a quick trip to
our favorite farmers' market, where we
grabbed a week's worth of organic beef
and pork, eggs and fresh veggies.

We try to eat locally grown foods from
farmers and growers who have small
operations that allow them to produce
organic food that they can sell for a
reasonable price -- reasonable meaning
we can afford it. I'm not into the upscale
"organic" food that requires a second
mortgage just to buy a bag of groceries.

You'd be surprised at how delicious fresh
food from local farmers and growers can
taste -- and how nutritious it is -- and how
much better you feel when you stop eating
the chemicals in conventional foods from
the big box supermarkets.

You'd also be surprised at how little it costs
to do your shopping -- or as much of it
as possible -- at the local farmers'

Healthy food becomes very affordable
when you cut out the middleman and
deal directly with the local farmers and

In Knife, Fork, Muscle, I give an example
of a typical fast food meal for a family of
four compared to a farmers' market meal
with organic meat, whole grains, and fresh
veggies and fruit from the farmers' market.

I used the current prices from my most
recent trip to the market, and priced it
to the penny.

And guess what?

The farmers' market meal with organic
meat and fresh veggies was CHEAPER
(by far!) than the fast food meal.

And that's a bit of an eye-opener. We
expect it to be the other way around.

So the question becomes -- where do
find a good farmers' market?

Here in Louisville, we're lucky. We have
a thriving local foods movement, and a
number of good farmers' markets. We can
pick and choose.

But if you do your homework, you can
probably find a good farmers' market
in your neck of the woods.

Here's a link that should help:

I checked, and our market is on there --
and I bet YOUR market is on there,
as well. Take a look and see.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Be sure to mark your calendar
for 9:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Wednesday.
We'll be launching vol. 3 in my series of
"Dinosaur Training Secrets" courses --
and I think you're really going to like it.
Synchronize your watches!
