Friday, May 1, 2015

Some BIG News for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Earlier today I sent an email where I
referred to Peary Rader's original Iron
Man magazine as the Holy Grail of
strength training and muscle building.

I don't think anyone would dispute that.

The original Iron Man was a remarkable
little magazine -- with tons of great
articles, terrific photos, and a strong
editorial slant toward real world
training as opposed to the Muscle
Beach fantasy stuff we saw in so
many other magazines.

IronMan covered:

1. Breathing squats

2. Weight gaining diets

3. Workouts for the Working Man

4. Articles on all of the great
champions and how they trained

5. Rest-Pause Training

6. Isometric training

7. Isometronic training

8. Iron Game history

9. Power rack training

10. Grip training secrets from "back in
the day"

11. Articles on building your own gym
equipment -- starting a home gym --
setting up a neighborhood gym -- or
getting into the gym business.

12. Weightlifting workouts

13. Bodybuilding programs

14. Specialization programs

15. The one inch to your arms in one
day program

16. Powerlifting programs

17. Training for sports

18. Neck building exercises

19. Arthur Jones' Nautilus system

20. Articles by Bradley J. Steiner, Bill
Pearl, Doug Hepburn, Arthur Jones,
Reg Park, Tony Ditillo, and many more.

As I said, it was the best of the best.

And now -- here's some BIG NEWS . . .

My friend John Wood has received permission
to reproduce the complete 50 year run of the
original Iron Man magazine.

The details are a bit complicated -- and for
now, they're secret -- but let me just say

You're gonna have some GREAT reading
available in the not too distant future.

Some. Really. Great. Reading.

Head on over to John's website and sign up
for his daily emails, so you get the news
directly from him as soon as everything
is ready.

Tell him I sent you -- and tell him you can't
wait to see what's coming!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
