Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Library of Congress of Strength!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

In case you missed the big news, here it
is again --

John Wood's Iron League and strength
archive is open for business.

The Iron League is a unique members
only site -- and when you join, you have
access to the strength archive -- which is
a goldmine of old books, articles and
courses covering the past 150 years
of physical culture, strength training
and muscle building.

It already has a ton of great stuff, with
more being added all the time.

I described the strength archive in an
email last night, and one of our long-
time Dinos, Paul Murray, shot back a
reply that hit the nail right on the
proverbial head.

So I thought I'd share it with you:

"This is truly spectacular what John
Wood is undertaking. It's the
equivilent of the ancient library
of Alexandria (minus the fire),
the Library of Congress of
Strength, or something!

I recall at one time back in the 70's
or 80's, Dr. Terry Todd had a physical
equivilent of what John is up to down
at the University of Texas. I was always
hoping to see that, but now we have the
virtual version.

When I was  a kid, the only way to have
access to knowledge was to physically
possess it. I spent a lifetime collecting
and amassing books. In the electronic
age, this pursuit is obsolete, or getting

There is no doubt I will pay the subscription
fee, not only to gain access to the material,
but also to underwrite what John has done.
Surely it was a labor of love.

Paul Murray"

Wow -- I couldn't agree more. The Library
of Congress of Strength! That sounds pretty
good, doesn't it?

Anyhow, the Iron League is up and running.
Go here to grab your membership:

Tell John I sent you -- and please let me
know how you like the strength archive!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
