Monday, June 22, 2015

Are You as Strong as Bob Hoffman?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Back in 1954 or so, Bob Hoffman tried an
experiment where he went on a special
training program to see what kind of gains
a man in his mid-fifties could make.

He gained about 20 pounds and went all
the way up to 270 pounds. That's a lot of

Hoffman followed a variation of the York
Simplified System.

He did one set of each of the following
exercises. He used the Medium, Light
and Heavy System. He did 12 reps on the
Medium day, 15 reps on the light day, and
on his Heavy day he did one set of 8 hard
reps, followed by an immediate weight
reduction and 7 more reps.

Here are his exercises and his top weights
(which I assume are the weights he used
for 8 reps on his heavy day).

Two-arm curl -- 135 lbs.

Two-arm press behind neck -- 135 lbs.

Upright rowing motion -- 135 lbs.

Side to side bend (barbell on shoulders) --
wt. unknown, presumably 135 lbs.

Power clean and military press -- 165 lbs.

High pull from floor to chin (clean grip)
-- 165 lbs.

Deep knee bend and press behind neck
-- 165 lbs.

Flip snatch (a power snatch with no knee
bend) -- 135 lbs.

Bent-over rowing motion -- 190 lbs.

Bench press -- 225 lbs.

Deadlift -- 225 lbs.

Deep knee bend -- 225 lbs.

Those aren't World record weights, of course,
but they're not bad for age 54 -- and remember,
these were for sets of 8 reps performed in perfect

Can you match them?

If you can, that's great. If not, you have a new
set of goals to work toward!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab your copy of Dinosaur
Training Secrets, Vol. 3, in your choice of
hard-copy or Kindle e-book. The little
monster gives you a dozen old-school
progression systems for steady gains in
strength, muscle and power -- and it's
been getting rave reviews from readers:


Kindle e-book

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters. Save clams on
s&h by ordering multiple items together:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train for strength,
eat for health, be happy and stay strong."
-- Brooks Kubik
