Wednesday, July 1, 2015

An Inside Report -- My Interview with Bill Hinbern

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Last weekend was busy as heck. We travelled to
Cincinati to attend a surprise birthday party for
Hall of Fame coach Kim Wood -- and met a ton
of great people and had loads of fun.

The next day, Bill Hinbern and I sat down at a
table in a hotel conference room and smiled at
a video camera -- and started to talk about
old-school iron.

There was no cameraman -- no technical crew --
no cue cards -- no teleprompter -- no music --
no audience -- and no laugh machine.

It was just two guys who love old-school strength
training and physical culture -- sharing their
combined experience of more than 100 years in
the Iron Game.

We talked for over 90 minutes -- probably close
to two hours.

I haven't listened to the interview, so I'm not
sure what it looks like or how it sounds. We're
going to edit it this week, and put it up on You-
Tube so you can see it. I'll send a link when it's

I think you're really going to like it -- especially
because Bill Hinbern has tons of great stories to
share -- and almost never does an interview --
and Bill and I have never done an interview
together.  So this is going to be something
very unique, and very special.

Until then, here's some other stuff you might

1. My Interview with Bill Kociaba and Clarence

Here's part 2 of my recent podcast interview
with Bill Kociaba and Clarence Bass:

2. The Iron League

John Wood's new members-only site is getting
better all the time -- with more great stuff being
added faster than you can read or watch it all:

3. Dinosaur Strength Training Secrets, Vol. 3

Vol. 3 in my new series of courses covers some
of the most effective old-school progression systems
that will help you make steady gains without burning
out, going stale or hitting one of those dead-end
sticking points that are so common for most trainees.

It's available in your choice of hard-copy or
Kindle e-book:

Hard-copy edition

Kindle e-book edition

4. The Dinosaur Files Quarterly

The June issue of the Dinosaur Files Quarterly is
being printed even as I type this. We'll put up an order
page sometime in the next 24 hours so you can order
your copy of the little monster.

Beginning with this issue, the Dinosaur Files Quarterly
will be available in both hard-copy and Kindle e-book
editions. The hard-copy edition will be ready first --
the Kindle e-book edition should be ready by this time
next week or perhaps a bit earlier.

I'll keep you posted on the Dinosaur Files in my daily

Anyhow, you're going to be having tons of great stuff
to watch, read and listen to -- and that means, it's
going to be as GREAT month for the Dinos.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For other great books and courses -- and for
my Dinosaur Training DVDs -- go here:

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "One of the secrets of
life is to read good books. Another is to do squats.
Very few people do either, and hardly anyone does
both." -- Brooks Kubik
