Monday, July 13, 2015

Seven Things I Have in Common With Bill Hinbern

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes and then we'll talk about
seven things I have in common with Bill

1. The Dinosaur Files Quarterly

Issue no. 3 of the Dinosaur Files is ready
to go -- and it's a great issue, with tons of
terrific articles and photos. Go here to grab
the little monster:


Kindle e-book

2. The Complete List

Readers keep asking for a complete list of
all my e-books on Kindle, so here it is:

And yes, we have more books on the way!

And now  . . . let's talk iron.


I recently did a long interview with Bill
Hinbern, and learned that we have a
number of things in common. Here
are seven of them. There are more
than that, but these are some of the
most important ones.

1. Why we got started in the Iron Game.

We both got started in the Iron Game to
try to overcome severe childhood illnesses.

Bill had rheumatiuc fever. I had severe asthma.

We both were so weak and so ill that our doctors
wanted us to stay in bed and rest and not to play
sports. We didn't like that -- and we decided to
try to do something about it. So we began

2. We both began with Charles Atlas.

We both read the Charles Atlas ads in the
comic books and magazines. Bill actually
bought the Charles Atlas course. I opted
for barbell and dumbbell training. But both
of us started training because we wanted
to be big and strong -- just like Charles

3. We both read the muscle comics.

And we even believed them. I even
followed Sergio Oliva's (supposed)
Mr. Olympia workout -- when I was
an 83 pound beginner!

4. We both discovered Peary Rader's
IronMan magazine.

We both discovered peary Rader's old
IronMan magazine -- and it taught us
how to train the right way.

And for both of us, that made all the
difference in the world . . .

5. We both used Hoffman's Hi-Proteen

I forgot to ask Bill if it worked for him.

It didn't work for me -- other than as
an industrial strength laxative.

6. We both use the term "physical culture."

We both talk about the Iron Game in terms
of "physical culture" -- which encompasses
all that is good about it in one very useful

7. We don't like roidskies.

And we even tell you why -- it's in Part 5 of
the interview. Hint: it's probably not what
you think it is. And our reasons are slightly

Of course, we have many more things in
common. You can learn what they are by
listening to the five part interview on my
new YouTube channel. Part 1 is right here --
and from there, you will have the links to the
rest of the 5-part interview:

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy
the interview!

Yours in  strength,

Brooks Kubik
