Friday, August 7, 2015

Are You a Strength Training Specialist or a Generalist?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes and then we'll talk training.

First, we're releasing Knife, Fork, Muscle as
a series of e-books. The first three books in
the series are available on our Amazon Kindle
pages. Go here for the links to all of them --
and the links to our other Dinosaur Training
e-books on Kindle:

Second, we had a great show yesterday on
Physical Culture radio. Bill Hinbern kindly
joined us at the half-way mark, and stayed
for the rest of the show. You can listen to
the download here:

A big THANK YOU to Bill Hinbern for
sharing his time and his knowledge
with us. Bill is a true gentleman,
and a real credit to the Iron Game.

On the training front, let's talk about
specialists and generalists.

Earlier in the week I outlined my current
training program, and noted that I am
specializing in Olympic weightlifting --
so I limit my workouts to weightlifting
exercises: the snatch, the clean and jerk,
high pulls, front squats and back squats.

There are lots of other good exercises
and lots of other good equipment and
good training tools -- many of which I
have used in the past -- but as I said,
I'm specializing on weightlifting now,
and it makes more sense to focus all
of my energy on weightlifting.

Also, at age 58, my recovery ability is
more limited than when I was younger.
So If I were to add other things to the
mix, I'd probably end up overtraining.
And that's never a good idea.

And also -- I like to concentrate on one
thing at a time, and work very hard to
master it. That's just how I am.

But many other Dinos have a different
approach. Some enjoy doing a much
broader variety of things.

Thus, we have Dinos who combine
strength training with martial arts

We have Dinos who like to add strong-
man training to their workouts.

We have Dinos who enjoy rack work
and heavy partials -- or heavy supports
to build stronger and thicker bones.

Kettlebells are popular with many Dinos.
So are dumbbells -- and cables -- and
bodyweight training -- and specialized
grip training.

Those are all great. I've done many of
them at different times in the past --
and I've had lots of fun doing them, and
gotten good results from them.

As I often say, it's all good, and it all

So don't be worried if you like to do
something that's different than what I
like to do. The basic principles are the
same for all of us: hard work, progression,
and regular, consistent effort are the keys
to success.

So are the mental aspects. Concentration,
visualization and focus work wonders no
matter what you're doing.

And, of course, you need to find the right
balance between doing enough exercise
to make gains and not doing so much that
you outrun your recovery ability.

I cover that issue in detail in Dinosaur
Training Secrets, Vol. 1. It will help you
find the right balance between too little
and too much -- and help bring you some
terrific gains, whether you are a strength
training specialist or a generalist. If you
don't have a copy, grab the little monster
today -- it will help you enormously.

In the meantime, today's a training day
at Dino Headquarters -- and I plan to
hit it hard! So if you hear reports about
a small earthquake in Louisville, you'll
kniow it's just a 58-year old Dino having
some fun in his garage gym.

As always, thanks for reading, and have
a great weekend. If you train today, make
it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 1 is
available in hard copy and as a Kindle

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "You don't have
to do it like anyone else, but you do need to
do it." -- Brooks Kubik
