Thursday, August 27, 2015

Old Gold for the Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I have something new and exciting for you.
It's old gold.

Beginning almost 20 years ago, way back
in 1997, I published a terrific monthly
newsletter called The Dinosaur Files.

It ran for five years -- a total of 61 big issues.

And it contained some of the best articles ever
written about real world, effective, no nonsense
strength training and muscle building.

I know they were effective because readers
used them -- and reported great gains. Some
Dinos made the best gains of their entire lives
on those workouts.

I used them, too. And I made some of my all-
time best lifts on them.

But here's the problem . . .

Those wonderful articles have never appeared
anywhere else.

I never reprinted them in a collection or an
anthology. They're not available at the Dinosaur
Training Blog, and I've never used them in my
daily emails.

If you missed them the first time around, you
missed them. Period. They've been lost. I think
of them as my lost articles.

Over the years, I've had literally hundreds of
requests to reprint the best of my articles from
the original Dinosaur Files.

And now, that's what we're doing.

We're going to release the best of my articles
from the original Dinosaur Files in a special
series of books. Each book will feature 8 to
10 different articles.

I've revised, expanded, updated and supplemented
the articles, and I've included a special introduction
for each of them.

The title of the new series tells the story:

The Dinosaur Training Strength Archive.

And that's not all.

In book 1 in the series, I've also included a brand
new, never before published chapter featuring a
terrific power rack training program to build
muscle, bone, tendon and ligament strength
as fast as possible. It's ALL NEW and it's very,
very effective. It will move you from "strong"
to "super strong" faster than you can buy
more plates for your barbell.

The books will be available in 8.5 x 11 hard
copy format (similar to my Dinosaur Training
courses) and in Kindle e-book editions.

The first hard copy book in the series is at the
printer. It will be finished and ready to ship to
you in 7 to 10 days.

We'll do our usual pre-publication special for the
hard copy edition. Go ahead and order it now,
and when we fill your order we'll include a
special bonus.

The Kindle e-book edition will be released very
soon. When it's ready, I'll send an email with the
link to the Kindle page.

Here's the link to the hard copy edition:

I'm very excited about this new project, and I'm
looking forward to sharing the very best of the
original Dinosaur Files with you.

The lost articles have been found -- and you're
going to love them!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link again:

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Old gold and old
iron are hard to beat." -- Brooks Kubik
