Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Super Strength in 60 Seconds a Day -- Or Not!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let me start with some big breaking news
for Dinos.

As you probably know, I released Knife, Fork
as a hard copy book in December 2014.

Several months ago, we began releasing the
same book in a four part series in e-book
format on Kindle.  We're doing that because
the hard copy book is so long and contains
so much information that it's just too much
for one Kindle e-book.

So here's the news -- book 3 in the e-book
series is now available on Amazon:

Head on over and read the introduction for
a complete description of what it covers. In
my opinion, it's probably the most important
book in the series so far, especially for older
Dinos. The information on food and chemical
allergies and how to avoid them is extremely
important -- and it's something other books
in the field pretty much ignore.

So if Knife, Fork, Muscle is not on your book
shelf, put it on your Kindle and start reading
the best book ever written about diet and
nutrition for strength and muscle building.


On the training front, several readers noted
the reference to isometrics in yesterday's
email, and asked if they worked.

Now, that's a question that brings back
some memories!

I was a little young for the beginning of the
isometrics fad of the early 60's, but there
was still lots of fanfare and hoopla about
it in the late 60's, when I started training.
Isometrics promised super strength in 60
seconds a day -- consisting of a series of
6 second isometric exercises.

That was irresistable. What could be better
than super strength in 60 seconds a day?

So, of course, I tried the isometric system.

I began with the simple stuff. Put your hands
together and push with one and resist with

Stand sideways in a doorway and push against
the side of the door frame with one foot.

Use a doorway chinning bar to practice the
overhead press lockout.

Later, one of the junior high school coaches
let me borrow an "Exergenie" device and a discus
for the summer, so I could do isometric stuff
with the discus after attaching the Exergenie
to my doorway chinning bar. (Yes, I threw the
discus in junior high school, before I decided
to stick to wrestling as my only sport.)

And I also bought a portable isometric device
from Peary Rader's Body Culture Equipment
Company. It was made from heavy pipe and
two lengths of log chain. It came with a wooden
base to stand on. It looked really cool.

I pulled and pushed against those pipes and
chains all winter one year.

But none of it worked.

It was fun, but it didn't deliver any sort of

When I was in high school, we had a York
power rack, so we could do isometric stuff in
the power rack. But I never did. By age 14,
I was done with isometrics.

Later, I learned that some of the initial research
research behind isometrics was wrong. Something
about a misplaced decimal point. Oops.

And then there was the question about roid use
by some of the "pioneers" of isometric training --
which raises the question, "IF it worked, was it the
drugs or the isometrics?"

So, as you can see, I'm not a big fan of isometrics.

Now, there was a slightly different variation
called isometronics. That involved short
range movements in the power rack with
heavy weights. That was REAL training.

I've used isometronics with great results. You
really can build super strength with isometronics.
But it's not 60 seconds a day. It's pretty much
the same as regular barbell training -- which
may be one reason why it works so well.

I cover isometronic training in Strength, Muscle
and Power
. It won't give you super strength in
60 seconds a day, but it will MAKE you seriously

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here are the links for the Knife, Fork, Muscle
series on Kindle e-book:

1. Knife, Fork, Muscle, Book 1
(covers protein for strength training -- how much,
the best sources of hiqh quality protein, etc.)

2.  Knife, Fork, Muscle, Book 2
(covers healthy and unhealthy carbs, vegetables,
starchy vegetables,grains and gluten issues,
oranic vs. conventional foods, gardening,
growing your own vegetables, etc.) 

3. Knife, Fork, Muscle, Book 3
(covers healthy and unhealthy fats, and
food and chemical allergies -- and how
they can sabotage your strength training
and muscle building)

P.S. 2. Note: If you prefer hard copy books, go
here to grab the complete hard copy edition
of Knife, Fork, Muscle:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "The real secret is
hard work, regular training and a healthy diet."
-- Brooks Kubik
