Friday, September 25, 2015

A Big THANK YOU from Dino Headquarters!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

On Monday, we released the Kindle e-book
edition of Book 1 in the new Dinosaur Training
Strength Archive

Less than 24 hours later, the little monster
was in various Top 10 Lists for Kindle books
in the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK.

And that's not bad -- not bad at all. In fact,
it's pretty darn good.

So let me give a very big THANK YOU to
everyone who helped us get there.

Of course, if you missed the announcement
then you may be wondering what the new
series is all about. So here's the skinny.

The new series collects my LOST ARTICLES --
meaning my best articles from the original
Dinosaur Files hard copy newsletter that I
published every month from 1997 to 2002.

We published 61 issues -- with well over 100
of my own, full-length articles. They were
original articles for the Dinosaur Files only,
and I've never reprinted them anywhere

If you missed them the first time around,
they're brand new for you -- and they're
darn good -- and they have a ton of great
training advice and some killer workouts --
so grab them now:

Hard Copy

Kindle E-Book

Again, THANK YOU to everyone who helped
us jump into the Top 10 List so fast!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
