Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Another Photo of the Dinosaur Dungeon
Here's another photo of the Dinosaur Dungeon -- a/k/a my garage. I do everything on the platform. My portable squat stands are over against the far wall. (One of the ropes is almost blocking one side of them.) I move them onto the platform when it's time to do squats or front squats. The rest of the time, it's just me and the barbell on the platform.
Snatches, clean and jerk, high pulls and front squats make up the majority of the program. That, plus lots and lots of stretching and mobility work. At age 58, it's important to work on that flexibility!
I do lots of drilling with lighter weights to work on form and technique. This also helps my flexibility.
Weightlifting is fun, and it keeps you young!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Go here to see my Dinosaur Training books, courses and DVD's:
P.S. 2. Be sure to sign up for my daily updates and training tips: