Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day to the Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

It's Labor Day here in the USA, and
many Dinos are enjoying a well-
deserved day of rest.

Many are enjoying time with family
and friends -- and many are looking
forward to a sizzling steak fresh off
the grill or a big plate of slow-cooked

But it's important to remember that
Labor Day originated as a holiday to
celebrate the working men and women
who helped build our country and to
make it great.

Men like my grandfathers.

Both of them immigrated to the USA
from Central Europe -- one from
Slovakia and the other from Romania.

Like so many others, they landed with
nothing, rolled up their sleeves, and
got to work.

They worked in the steel mills in Ohio --
and working in an old-fashioned mill
was one of the hardest, hottest,
heaviest jobs in the world.

They never complained. They worked in
the mills, and they built a new life for
themselves and their families.

They were thankful for the opportunity,
and they made the most of it.

That's why I think of them on Labor

I'll be hitting the iron in a different sort
of way later tonight. It will be a hard and
heavy workout. A hot one, too. The garage
isn't quite as hot as a blast furnace, but
it's hot enough.

And I have something special in mind.

I'm going to do an extra set for each of

It will be a small way of saying THANK

They're not here, but they'll know --
and I think they'll like it.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a good
one -- and do an extra set for someone who
deserves it.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
