Thursday, October 15, 2015

An Update on My Training

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Couple of quick notes, and then I'll give
you an update on my current training.

No. 1 -- I'll be on Physical Culture Radio
with my co-host Carl Lanore at 12:00 noon
today (Eastern time). Catch us live or listen
to the download:

No. 2 -- I've moved into the modern age,
and you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter
and Instagram at "brooks kubik." I've been
posting some fun photos and videos on all
of them, so friend and follow me and don't
miss anything!

No. 3. I've been adding photos and video
to the Dinosaur Training Blog -- so go over
and take a look. For example, here's a video
of the World's Strongest English Professor
SMASHING the No. 3 gripper:

On the training front, I wanted to give
you an update on my current training.
As longtime Dinos know, I'm currently age
58, and I'm doing 100% Olympic lifting in
my garage gym.

I've been switching back and forth between
the split style snatch and the squat style

The split style snatch is easier on my
shoulders, but harder on my knees and

The squat style snatch is easier on my
knees and hips, but harder on my

When I last reported, I was doing split
style snatches -- but that's changed.

They were starting to take a toll on my
lead leg (my right leg) and my hip.

I was getting REALLY sore and stiff, and
instead of getting better over time, the
problem was getting worse.

One day I was warming up for split style
snatches and my lead leg simply said,

So I switched to squat style snatches that
day and had a great workout.

That night, there was no pain in my leg and
hip -- and that's continued over the past few
weeks, as I've done 100% squat style lifts
and NO split style lifts.

The moral of the story is very simple:

1. Listen to your body.

2. Make intelligent corrections or changes
whenever you need to do so.

3. Don't try to work THROUGH dings and
dents -- work AROUND them.

4. The important thing is to keep on
training -- but to do it in a way that
helps rather hurts.

5. Training is an adventure -- there's
always a new challenge on the horizon.

6. The best exercises for you may (and
probably will) change over time.

7. There's good stubborn and bad
stubborn. Be good stubborn. Bad
stubburn can get you hurt, and
that's no good.

Anyhow, I've been having some GREAT,
pain-free workouts -- and I've been
enjoying the heck out of my training --
and the iron is humming and the chalk
and the sweat are flying, and all is good
at Dino Headquarters.

And I hope things are just as good for
you and for your training.

As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. The World's Strongest English Professor
gives you his complete grip training program
in issue no. 4 of The Dinosaur Files Quarterly:

Hard copy

Kindle e-book

P.S. 2. My other books and courses -- and links
to all of my e-books on Kindle -- are right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Always listen to
your body. It knows more than you do."
-- Brooks Kubik
