Saturday, October 10, 2015

Real Food Builds Real Muscle!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a short video clip must be worth 10,000 words or more.

Here's the haul from this morning's trip to the farmer's market.  It's pretty much food for the entire week, all of it locally grown or locally raised, and all of it 100% organic in the true sense of the word -- meaning that it comes from small growers who don't use chemicals.

This is real food -- and real food plus real training builds real muscle.

Fresh greens, spring mix, potatoes, sweet potatoes, grass fed beef, free range eggs, bacon from pastured pork,  apples, cabbage, green onions, and (of course) Dinosaur Kale.

Plus TWO bunches of flowers for Trudi. #flowers4trudi #smarthusband

For more about a healthy diet for strength training and muscle building, grab Knife, Fork, Muscle.  It's available in your choice of hard copy or a series of Kindle e-books that are available for immediate download: 

Hard copy

Kindle e-book

Knife, Fork, Muscle, Book 1
(covers protein for strength training -- how much,
the best sources of hiqh quality protein, etc.)

Knife, Fork, Muscle, Book 2
(covers healthy and unhealthy carbs, vegetables,
starchy vegetables, grains and gluten issues,
organic vs. conventional foods, gardening,
growing your own vegetables, etc.)

Knife, Fork, Muscle, Book 3
(covers healthy and unhealthy fats,
food allergies and how to avoid them,
chemical allergies and how to
avoid them, etc.)

We have one more e-book to finish to complete
the series. Be looking for it soon.

In the meantime, thanks for reading. If you train
today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik