Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Very Good Question!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One quick note, and then we'll talk training.

1. The New Dinosaur Training Course.

We have a new course out, and it's available
with immediate download. You order the
course, you get a link, and then you can
download and print the PDF.

It's instant delivery, and it saves you a big
boatload of clams on shipping -- especially
if you live overseas.

The course covers effective training for
older Dinos, and it has a terrific workout
in it -- but frankly, the advice applies to
younger Dinos, as well. And the workout
would be great for any Dino, including the
younger ones.

Here's the link for the new course -- grab
it now, and let me know how you like it. If
it's a hit, we'll do more of them for you:

Be sure to send me feedback since this is
a new way of getting courses to you.

2. A Good Question.

I wrote the new course after receiving an
email from an older Dino (close to age 60),
who asked:

What in your opinion is the main reason
coaches and trainers think that what works
for a 30 year old will work for a 59 year old?

I seem to run into a lot of resistance on this.

As always, thank you and keep up the good

It was signed by an older Dino. I am not
including his name in order to protect the
guilty -- meaning, the folks who are arguing
with him about this.

But in any event, it's a very good question.

I think there are seven primary reasons why
some people resist the advice to modify your
training as you grow older:

1. It's more fun to write about, talk about and
read about the sensational, over the top stuff.

a. The sensational, over the top stuff is typically
a high volume program with many exercises,
many sets, many reps and daily workouts.

b. Or it's a "Bulgarian" program where you
are supposed to max out every day.

c. Or it features all kinds of funky exercises
that look cool on social media.

d. Or it's what the champ de jour does -- and
everyone wants to train like the champ.

2. The sensational, over the top stuff is all
they know.

a. Not surprising, because it's pretty much
all you see on the Interwebs or in the

3. They're young, and they have no idea how
your body responds to training at age 59 (for
example) as opposed to age 20 or even age

a. This is actually okay, because if they keep
training as they grow older, they may learn
how older trainees need to do it.

4. They push the over the top, super
programs and then tell people they can do
them (at any age) as long as they take
enough super supplements.

a. This sells lots of supplements.

b. It also sells lots of other stuff. Roidskies,
for example.

c. All in favor of the free market, but

5. They don't actually believe that older
people still train.

a. They are very, very wrong.

b. We have MANY older Dinos who not only
train, but can out-perform the vast majority
of younger trainees.

6. Some older trainees simply refuse to
admit that their bodies are different at age
60 than at age 20.

a. I guess they view this as a sign of
weakness. IMO, it's the furthest thing from
it -- but it's an emotional argument, and
you'll never win it (and shouldn't even

7. Some well-intentioned people seem to
believe that older trainees need to be treated
the same as younger trainees or else they'll
take it easy and not work hard enough to
make any progress.

a. In my experience, the opposite is more
often the case. Older trainees tend to over-do
rather than under-do.

Anyhow, that's the answer (or rather, the
answers) to the question.

And that's what prompted me to do the new

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link again to the new course:

And remember -- I need feedback! Let me know
how you like the electronic delivery -- and the

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Older and wiser
only works if you focus on the wiser part."
-- Brooks Kubik
