Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sweatshirts and Hoodies - They're Going Fast!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We're clearing out some of our inventory
to make space for new items, and we're
almost out of Gray Hair and Black Iron
sweatshirts and Dinosaur Training

We're not going to re-stock on
these, so if you want to buy one,
shoot me an email asap and ask
me to hold it for you.

We currently have:

Gray Hair and Black Iron sweatshirts

2 in size L

1 in size 3XL

Dinosaur Training hoodies

1 L gray hoodie

1 L blue hoodie

2 M blue hoodies

3 S black hoodies (hint - these may be
too small for you, but they'd make a
great Christmas gift for someone)

As I said, if you want one, shoot me
an email and let me know where you
live so we can give you the price and
the cost of shipping.


Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
