Thursday, December 10, 2015

Grab Some Massive Motivation for Strength, Muscle and Power!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

About forty years ago, Bradley J. Steiner
wrote something in an IronMan article
that has stayed with me ever since.

Steiner said that the most important
function of a strength training magazine
is not to provide training advice, workouts
or other "how to do it" instruction.

That's important, of course, and any
magazine will have lots of training
advice (including, hopefully, some
that actually works!) -- but in
Steiner's opinion, it was not the
magazine's most important function.

Rather, he believed, the most important
function of a strength training magazine
is to provide a regular dose of motivation
and inspiration for the readers.

I remember reading those words, and
debating them back and forth. I wasn't
sure if I agreed with Steiner.

Today, forty years later, I know the

I agree with him 100 percent.

That's why we're doing the Dinosaur Files
on a monthly basis -- and why we're using
electronic delivery to make the Dinosaur
Files easy and affordable for all Dinos
everywhere in the world.

I want everyone to have a chance to hit
the "refresh" button every 30 days -- and
to stay focused and committed to hard
training and concentrated effort -- and to
be inpired to hit the iron harder than ever

And the monthly Dinosaur Files is a perfect
way to do exactly that -- with no silly
supplement ads, and no goofball advice
about how Mr. Everything bombs, blasts
and blitzes for 17 hours every day.

Frankly, I'm tired of Mr. Everything and
how he trains. It's  not motivating. It's

To me, it's motivatiung to read about real
people and how they train while living
and working in the real world. And that's
what you see in each and every issue of
The Dinosaur Files.

Of course, each issue of the Dinosaur Files
also provides plenty of training information.
And in that regard, note that the articles
and advice come to you from three sources,
none of which you're likely to see anywhere

1. Your fellow Dinosaurs sharing workouts,
reports, updates and feedback on what works
for them -- in other words, it's real world
training for real people, not the Muscle
Beach fantasy stuff.

2. Training advice buried in my personal
collection of old books, courses and
magazines. Some of it is long-forgotten,
but it's literally priceless in value.

3. My own original training articles that
you won't see anywhere else. They're
Dinosaur Files exclusives.

Anyhow, I'm doing my best to do what
Bradley J. Steiner said to do so many
years ago -- I'm working hard to bring
you a monthly dose of motivation and
inspiration -- as well as the best training
information I can give you.

The goal is to make 2016 the best year
ever for strength, muscle and might --
and together, we'll make it happen!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab the December issue
of the Dinosaur Files -- with immediate
electronic delivery:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters -- along
with my Dinosaur Training DVDs -- and
links to all of my e-books on Kindle:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "If you could
hit every workout with the passion, commitment
and energy you brought to your very first workout,
imagine what you would achieve!" -- Brooks Kubik
