Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Squats for Older Dinos?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let me give you a quick heads up and then
we'll talk training.

1. A New Reg Park Training Course

My good friend, Bill Hinbern, has released a
new Reg Park training course -- and it looks
GREAT! Go here to grab the little monster:


2. The Iron League

I'm letting John Wood load my original
Dinosaur Training DVDs onto The Iron
League -- and he's loaded three of them
so far. Plus, there's a ton of other great
stuff at The Iron League -- with more
being added all the time:


3. The December Dinosaur Files

Is available with immediate electronic
delivery, and it's been getting great
reviews from Dinos around the world.

Go here to grab the little monster:


4. Squats for Older Dinos?

On the training front, I thought I'd ask
the older Dinos a question -- and see
what sort of feedback we can get from
the Dino Nation.

The question is about squats.

At dinner last night, Trudi raised the
issue. (Yes, we talk about heavy iron
at the dinner table.)

"Do you think it's good for an older
trainee to do heavy back squats?" she
asked. "Or is there too much compression
on the spine?"

I was chewing on a big mouthful of
roasted mastadon, and I didn't answer

So Trudi answered her own question.

"I think front squats are better for older
trainees," she said. "They place a lot
less pressure on the spine."

I kept on chewing.

She kept on answering her own question.

"And Trap Bar squats are probably best
of all," she added.

I nodded. Trap Bar squats and deadlifts are
off the charts good for anyone -- but they're
especially good for older Dinos.

I finished chewing the hunk of mastadon.

"Squats might be too hard on the spine
for some older trainees," I said. "But for
others, they might help keep the spine
healthy and strong."

"That's true," she said.

And then she had an idea.

"You should ask your older Dinos what
works best for them. It would be interesting
to see."

So that's what I'm doing.

Are you an older Dino?

Do you do back squats -- or do other exercises
work better for you now?

Shoot me an email and let me know! And
I'll figure out the best way to share the
results with your fellow Dinos! (We might
do it in the January issue of The Dinosaur
Files -- I think it would make a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here are some great resources for
older Dinos:

a. Start with Gray Hair and Black Iron -- a book
that covers effective training for older Dinos
in detail -- and gives you over 50 different
workouts for older trainees:


b. Then try my "Going Strong at 54" DVD:


c. After that, grab my new mini-course for older
Dinos. It's available with immediate electronic


d. And last but not least -- each issue of the
Dinosaur Files newsletter covers effective
training for older Dinos -- and gives you
real life, real world workouts used by your
fellow Dinos. It's the stuff no one else ever
covers -- but it's standard fare for the Dino
Files. Be sure to grab each and every issue,
starting with December 2015:


P.S. 2. "Older trainees may be forgotten everywhere
else. But they're not forgotten here -- and
they never will be!" -- Brooks Kubik
