Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Last Workout of the Year

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Today is the last day of 2015 -- and
that means that tonight's workout will
be the last workout of the year.

In about six hours I'm going to bundle
up in my sweats, roll on out to the
garage, and slip my Rocky Balboa
CD into the old boom box -- and
then start warming up and getting
loose for some good lifting.

After that, I'm going to have a good
dinner, and then sit back and welcome
in the New Year.

And I imagine that many of you will
be doing the same thing -- or you
may already have had that last
great workout of 2015.

I also imagine that you're looking
forward to the first workout of 2016.

I know I am.

And I'm sure you're planning to make
it a good one. Me, too.

That's the funny thing about strength
training. After you do it for awhile, it
becomes part of your life. You celebrate
your birthday with a great workout --
and you make the last workout of the
year an extra good one -- and you do
the same for the first workout of the
new year.

I think it means that strength training
is part of our DNA -- and that's a good

In closing, let me say:

1. Thanks for all of your friendship and
support over the past year.

2. Thanks for training Dino style.

3. Have a happy, healthy, safe and
wonderful new year - and best wishes
for 2016!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik