Thursday, January 14, 2016
Hard Work, Intelligently Applied
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Yesterday's email ended with some good
advice from John Grimek.
Someone asked Grimek the secret of his
"Hard work," said Grimek.
That's a very good answer, and an important
message -- especially for anyone who might
be looking for an "easy" way to build strength
and muscle.
But hard work alone is not the answer.
It has to be "hard work, intelligently
In other words, you need to train hard but
The secret of smart training is to follow a
sensible and realistic progression system.
You start relatively light and easy, and
gradually increase the difficulty of your
workouts. The initial workouts help you
lay the foundation for harder and heavier
workouts later on -- and for the gains
that those workouts will bring. But you
can't just jump into the hard and heavy
stuff. You have to build up to it.
This basic principle applies to any kind of
training, and any kind of equipment.
When you put it that way, it sounds self
evident -- and some of you may be
thinking, "I already KNOW that!"
or "Why are we talking about this?"
That's a fair question. Here's the answer.
We're talking about it because most
people are too stubborn to do it. Rather
than start light and easy, and lay the
foundation for big gains down the
road, they jump into a super-demanding
and ultra-intense training program
because they think they can make
super-fast gains that way.
But the gains don't come.
Instead, the over-zealous trainee does
the "Crash and Burn." He over-trains,
goes stale, burns out -- and often injures
And I'm not just talking about beginners.
This is a mistake that experienced trainees
often make when they come back from a
lay-off, or when they start doing a new
exercise or a new program, or when they
decide to go on some sort of special
I've done it -- you've done it -- and John
Grimek did it. Everyone does it.
But you don't have to keep on doing it.
You can start training smarter -- and the
way to do it is to use old-school progression
methods with "slow cooking." Don't try for
overnight results, instant this, big arms in
21 days, 20 pounds of muscle in six weeks,
or adding 100 pounds to your PR in four
short weeks. Take it slow. Slow and steady
is always better.
Remember, there's no such thing as
overnight results in the Iron Game. It
takes time to build serious strength and
muscle mass. That's where the "train
smart" rule comes into play.
In short, make haste slowly. It takes
time, but slow and steady helps you
travel much further -- and people only
remember what you end up doing, NOT
what you did at the start of the journey.
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. I cover old-school progression in this
course -- and I think it's one of the best
and most useful courses I've ever done.
It's available in hard-copy, Kindle or PDF
with immediate digital download:
Kindle e-book
PDF with electronic delivery
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. "It takes time and effort. Don't try to
short-circuit or speed up the process. Give
Mother Nature the time she needs to do her
job." -- Brooks Kubik