Thursday, January 21, 2016

Powerlifting Programs for Dinosaurs

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I'll keep this short and send a second email
later in the day.

Three things:

1. Physical Culture Radio.

I'll be on Physical Culture Radio with Carl
Lanore at 12:00 noon today (Eastern Time).

Catch the live show or listen to the down-
load at your convenience. Find us at:

2. My Daily Emails.

Several readers have dropped off our email
list -- and we don't know why or how. I send
emails Mon - Sat, so if you miss them, you've
fallen off the list.

If that ever happens, go back to my website
and sign back up -- and pls send an email to
let me know what happened.

You can find any missed emails at The Dinosaur
Training Blog. I always post my emails at the
Blog. For example, here' s the email from

You can access the Blog from my website.
The link is in the drop-down bar.

We're also on Facebook, Instagram and
Twitter. Follow us on those. It's another
good way to keep up, and you'll see some
fun photos and videos that don't make it
into the daily emails.

I'm on Facebook at "Brooks Kubik" and on
Instagram at #brookskubik and (of course)
at #dinosaurtraining. I'm at "Brooks Kubik"
on Twitter.

Any questions, send me an email!

3. Dinosaur Powerlifting.

Several readers have asked for Dinosaur style
powerlifting programs. You can find plenty of
powerlifting workouts in Strength, Muscle and
Power -- including a detailed review of how I
trained when I was competing in powerlifting
and bench press comps:

There's also a terrific all-new power rack
training program for powerlifters in The
Dinosaur Strength Training Archive,
Vol. 1.

Why a power rack training program?

Because that's far and away the best way for
powerlifters to train. It's how I built my bench
press to the point where I was able to win five
National championships in the bench press,
and also win a number of state and regional
championships in powerlifting.

Go here to grab the little monster:

Hard copy

Kindle edition

4. More to follow!

That turned out to be longer than I thought
it would be. But that's okay -- I'll still send
another email later today. Be looking for it!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
